
Someone not familiar with teens might take the dismissive tone as an insult. She knew from personal experience, however, that any response was better than none. “He’s how I met your dad.”

Her son shot her a glance that held a mixture of dismay and alarm. Was he worried she’d out him as a delinquent? He drifted over, dust cloth drooping from his hand, trying to hide his curiosity behind shuttered eyelids and pinched lips.

Cash said nothing. His chest rose and fell in long, intentional breaths as if he was struggling for calm.

Vividly aware of his burning gaze, and hoping she was doing the right thing, she addressed Cyril. “I was going to tell everyone at dinner tonight, but I guess you’ll be the first to know. Cash and I are dating.”

Both teens stared, open-mouthed.

Elle recovered a fraction faster. “You are?”

Cyril’s words tangled with hers. “Does Dad know?”

“Yes to Elle, no to you.” She wasn’t looking forward to telling Mark, but Cash would wonder if she didn’t. “I wanted to tell you kids first.”

Elle regarded her with deep suspicion. The poor girl had just found her father and was probably thinking she’d have to compete with Penta for his attention. She hurried to soothe her. “Cash told me that your mom’s a little worried about letting you spend time together. We’re hoping she might be more comfortable if I’m around.”

“What, like a chaperone?” Disgust dripped from each word. “He’s my dad. We don’t need a babysitter.”

“It’s a compromise. What would you prefer—fighting with your mom every time you want to see your dad, or having me around to smooth the way?”

CASH COULD HAVE KISSED Penta. And, again, it wouldn’t be from lust but gratitude.

Elle had shown up fifteen minutes ago. It was the first time since her original unexpected appearance and his heart had leaped. Maybe Linda had softened her stance, had allowed Elle to come.

No. His daughter had once again slipped her leash and shown up without her mother’s approval.

She’d invited him to help celebrate her birthday. “It’s not really until Thursday,” she’d explained shyly, not knowing the date was engraved on his soul. “But we’re having the party Saturday since that’s a school night.”

He’d tried to explain that he couldn’t, that her mother wouldn’t allow it. His daughter hadn’t accepted his excuses.

Because that’s what they were. Penta had agreed to pretend to be his girlfriend for exactly this sort of situation. Yet he hadn’t told Elle about her.

The reason he’d said nothing was currently regarding him with a suspicious eye. Cyril’s behaviour this morning had given Cash no hint if Penta had mentioned him to her family yet. No way in hell was he blurting it out.

Watching her now, fielding almost-rude comments from both their children with aplomb, pride mixed with relief swelled in his chest. She knew how to handle teenage angst and drama. Thank god. Because he didn’t have a clue.

It was time he got it in gear, though. Penta had broken the ice and settled things down. Now it was his turn to do the adulting.

“What about this?” Three heads swivelled toward him. His brows tightened in a frown, which he immediately relaxed. “I’ll talk with your mom. She doesn’t know about Penta yet. If she agrees, we’ll come to your party.”

Elle’s face lit up like a neon sign, incandescent with happiness. He hurried to tamp down her enthusiasm. “I’m not promising anything. It’s up to your mom. But if she doesn’t want me at the party, I’ll try and convince her to let us spend some time together soon. An afternoon at a lake, maybe. Or dinner out.”

“Awesome!” She sprang forward, her cheek pressed against his breastbone, arms encircling his waist. With cautious awe, he embraced her, impeded by the backpack hanging off her shoulder, but not caring an iota.

For the first time in his life, he was holding his baby girl. He squeezed his eyes shut, trapping tears of joy and regret, and tried to memorize every sensation in case it never happened again.

Far too soon she released him, brushing her hands down her shirt front, eyes sparkling. “When will you call her? Now?”

His arms achingly empty, his heart bruisingly full, he didn’t reply right away. He would need to repair his emotional armour before taking on Linda. Elle’s excitement sputtered like a blocked carburetor. It tore his heart and he ground out his answer. “Tonight. I’ll call her tonight.”

“Awesome,” Elle repeated. A chime sounded from somewhere on her person. “That’s my alarm. I have to go. The bus will be at the stop soon.” She walked backward toward the door as if unwilling to take her eyes off him. “You’ll call her tonight? You promise?”

He nodded, the stone in his gut growing harder and colder. Linda would be furious at this turn of events. He could only hope she’d calm down enough to listen.

EVENTS WERE MOVING so quickly Penta was dizzy. She’d expected to have a few days to get used to the idea of fake-dating Cash before revealing it to the world. Instead, they’d been dumped into it willy-nilly.