He shrugged. “We’re just going through a sticky patch. Every couple does, right?” He turned his attention to his own clipboard, clearly indicating the subject was closed.

Anxiety over Terrance’s marriage tugged at her until Cash directed the group to join him around the motorbikes. She paid close attention to his simple, clear instructions and his calm, confident air soothed her. Maybe, if he was the driver, she might possibly contemplate taking a ride. Someday. One far into the future.

He straddled the biggest bike, drawing up the stand and settling into the seat with an easy grace that rippled awareness down her spine. He looked completely at home, his feet in their thick leather boots planted on either side as he balanced the heavy machine effortlessly. Her gaze lingered on how his big hands gripped the handlebars, the way his thighs flexed under his jeans.

And always, just below the surface of her conscious thoughts, shimmered the knowledge that she could pretend he was hers. If she was brave enough.

He was only offering a fake relationship, but it was the closest she’d get to being the wild child Terrance had laughingly called her. It was tempting. So tempting.

Everyone was invited to sit in the saddle and experiment with the controls—with the engine safely off. Penta was surprised at how comfortable the seat was and doubly thankful there was a machine suited for her shorter frame. She could imagine the hilarity if she crashed onto the pavement and was pinned underneath the chassis.

Cash explained correct postures and holds and provided advice in his deep, calm voice, moving from one Silverberry to the next with professional aplomb.

“Nice and gentle.” He stood at her shoulder and watched as she squeezed the clutch lever. “Your grip should be firm but relaxed.”

For some unexplainable reason, Penta’s cheeks flared with heat. He leaned over and adjusted her hand on the black rubber throttle. Her mouth went dry.

“Smooth, even motions. Don’t hold it too tightly.” His breath fanned her cheek. A hint of coffee and spice wafted to her nose.

She resisted the urge to squirm, her thighs squeezing the seat between her legs involuntarily. He was doing it on purpose. He had to be.

Doing what exactly she refused to examine.

Toward the end of the session, Cash offered to take each of them on a slow sedate ride around the temporary track laid out by the pylons. Confronted so soon with the opportunity she’d recently considered, Penta remained silent. Terrance rejected the idea outright, but the others accepted.

One by one, the Silverberries climbed up behind Cash and circled the short route. After Natalie slid off, pleased and excited, he turned to Penta. “What about you? Are you up for a ride?”

Again, she had the distinct impression his words held a double entendre. He was brash and bold, and she wanted to absorb that energy. In that instant, she made her decision about his unsettling proposal.

Answering with a double meaning of her own, she lifted her chin and met his gaze squarely. “Yes, I am.”

Chapter Seven

Cash held himself stiffly as Penta buckled on a borrowed helmet and approached the bike. He’d teased her subtly all evening and enjoyed it, but now it was about to bite him in the ass.

"Put your foot on the peg so you can swing up.” His voice was hoarse and he cleared his throat.

She did so, shuffling back so there was a gap between their bodies.

“This bike has hand grips just under your hips. We won’t be going fast so those should be enough, but, if you need to, you can hold onto me.” He wanted her to take up his invitation more than he should, given the current state of their relationship. “Don’t wriggle around or you might throw off the balance. When we go into a turn, lean the way I do.” He turned his chin so he could see her out of the corner of his eye. “Any questions?”

She shook her head.


A nod this time. He set the bike into motion and heard a quick inhalation.

Keeping the pace easy, he wound his way through the course. The occasional random brush of her thighs against his hips, her breasts against his back, ratcheted his pulse into top gear, and by the time he pulled to a stop near the trailer his body was thrumming with need.

She slid off the seat, stumbling a little. He reached out to steady her and got his first good look at her face. Her full cheeks were flushed, eyes sparkling.

“I did it.” Her tone was full of wonder. “I thought I’d be more scared, but I wasn’t. I kind of liked it.”

An overwhelming inclination to tug her into his arms shocked him. He nodded curtly and rolled the bike a couple steps back. “Time to pack up.”

He busied himself with collecting pylons, helmets, and other equipment and stowing it all inside the trailer. Penta and her friends gathered in a chattering group near their vehicles. Their obvious camaraderie ignited a familiar despair and he kept his head down, concentrating on his work, doing his best to ignore the swamping isolation.

He strode down the ramp of the trailer to find Helen standing at the bottom.