Page 61 of Interrogating India

A deadlier kind of danger.

Something the CIA hadn’t trained her to handle.

Somethinglifehadn’t trained her to handle.

“Why . . . why are you still here?” Indy stammered, trying to be forceful, to state it like a demand not a request. “You asked me if I wanted you to leave. I said yes, I do want you to leave.” She shrugged behind the shower curtain. “Not sure where the communication is breaking down. Youdidsay that if I wanted you to leave, you’d leave.”

Ice glanced off to the side like he was thinking. Then he looked back at her and nodded. “Correct. I did say that if you wanted me to leave, I would leave.”

Indy waited, her eyes widening with impatient expectation, then narrowing with frustrated annoyance. “So what am I missing? Leave. I want you to leave.”

Ice shook his head. “No, you don’t.”

Indy’s mouth hung open for an indignantly long moment. “So now you’re telling me what I mean by my own words? Are you seriously fucking telling me thatnomeansyes? What cave did you just crawl out of? What medieval society are you still living in?”

Ice stroked his jaw and grinned out the side of his mouth. “You told me to leave, but that’s not what you reallywantme to do. And since I said I would leave if youwantedme to leave, logic dictates that if you do not really want me to leave, I do not in fact need to leave.” He shrugged those heavy shoulders for the umpteenth time, that lazy cocky grin still curling the edges of his stubble-framed mouth. “I mean, Icouldleave if I myself wanted to leave. But that’s my business. My choice to leave or not. My decision to stay or go.”

Indy stared, her body buzzing with a sickening thrill. Ice looked toweringly tall and brutally broad in the bathroom, but Indy didn’t feel threatened in the least.

Because she remembered that first encounter with Ice at the safe-house when he’d pushed her against the wall and searched her body from behind.

Searched her with professional propriety and gentlemanly courtesy.

If he were the kind of man who took what he wanted without asking, without permission, without a clear invitation, she’d already know it, her body would already know it, already fear it, already hate it.

And although her body had reacted to the danger and chaos of the door being smashed in, right now there was no mistaking the energy coursing through her blood, rippling through her skin, curling through her curves.

“You know I won’t touch you until you say so,” came his whisper through the steam. “Not until you want me to touch you.” He took a step towards the shower curtain. “Not until you ask me to touch you.” Another step closer, close enough that Indy could see a bead of thick clear wetness on the shiny tip of his cockhead. “Not until you fuckingbegme to touch you.”

Indy gasped silently as her pussy clenched just enough to ooze out a hint of her own clear wetness. She gulped in a breath, blinked away some steam, tightened her grip on that shower curtain which hung like a veil between the two of them, a flimsy barrier that Indy somehow knew would be impenetrable until she said the word, until she gave him permission to breach that border, until she asked him to take another step.

Until shebeggedhim to take another step.

And now she understood what Ice was doing.

He was still establishing dominance, setting the frame, playing the game.

A game he’d started back at the safe-house when he thought she was his to break.

A game that Ice wanted to finish.

Needed to finish.

Not just finish butwin.

Now that sickening thrill raced through her body again. Indy wondered if she’d been unconsciously playing that game along with him.

Or maybe not that unconsciously.

After all, she’d dropped that sorta-kinda invitation out there.

She’d stripped off her clothes and placed them outside the bathroom door, like a test to see if Ice would give in and hand them over to the attendant, make a subtle compromise, just enough to let her know she had some power.

A gentle feminine power that rippled through her wet body like a drug as this deadly muscled man stood beyond that paper-thin veil which would not come down without her saying so.

You know I won’t touch you until you call, until you ask, until you fucking beg.

But Indy wasn’t ready to beg just yet even though her naughty little pussy seemed pretty darn ready.