Page 119 of Interrogating India

Indy stiffened as Ice’s fingers disappeared into her raven-dark hair. Her breath caught as he tightened his fingers, grabbing a fistful of her thick hair down by the roots. She moaned down into the seat, her ass moving under his massaging palm, her crotch grinding into his stiff erection, the two of them moving together in the cramped space like two drunk crabs locked in a topsy-turvy battle on the ocean’s bed.

Ice’s cock was rigid like a post, thick like a pillar, throbbing and pulsing as he pushed Indy’s ass down and pulled her hair back. The position was surreally arousing, their surroundings completely alien, with the shuttered hoardings of an exotic city peering at them through dust-painted windows of an abandoned car.

Now he slid that massaging-pressing hand around her ass and got it beneath her, getting his fingers right up against the front of her tight pants, rubbing rough and deep, feeling the wetness come through two layers of cloth, making his fingertips sticky and sweet.

He drew his hand away from her crotch and brought those fingers to his face, inhaling her scent, then licking her sweetness.

The combination was intoxicating, a drug more powerful than the one they were already on. He grinned devilishly when he saw that Indy had turned her head and was staring at his filthy finger-licking, her eyes wide with aroused amusement, amused arousal, topsy-turvy, meat and scurvy, upside down and all around, left and right and out of sight.

“This is insane,” she groan-whispered as Ice gently pulled her hair to get her to turn onto her back. He released her hair as she managed the turn, his eyes glazing over when her ass ground into his cock, the front of her crotch now facing upwards on his lap. “Oh, Ice, touch me there. Please.”

Ice swallowed thickly, nodded dumbly, unable to speak, barely able to breathe. He was sitting behind the pushed-down front seat, which gave Indy enough space to spread her legs wide for him.

“Oh, fuck, you are so incredibly hot.” Ice’s entire body shuddered as he placed his hand between her legs and stroked her carefully, turning his hand around and pressing his knuckles lengthwise along her crotch as she shuddered in response. “I want you now, Indy. All of you. I feel so fucking close to you that I’m losing track of myself, losing track of who I am without you.”

Indy murmured something but Ice couldn’t hear it through the urgency of his need, the hammering of his heart, the thundering in his temples. His own words echoed around his skull, driving home the desperate need to completely claim this creature, to perfectly possess her pussy, to absolutely own this woman.

Because she already owned him.

She mumbled something again, but the words made no sense because they were immediately turned into shapes and colors that zipped around his buzzing head like tiny alien battleships. He started to unzip her pants, then gulped back a sudden rush of wild energy that screamed a warning that the LSD was hitting its peak now, that they were heading to the pinnacle of crazy right now, that both of them were certifiably insane in this moment, completely out of their minds.

And maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to get completely out of their clothes too.

They were in a stolen car in a soon-to-be-busy street in a foreign country a few blocks from a hotel room where they’d left a dead body and their own fingerprints.

Suddenly paranoia ripped through Ice’s pulsing mind, and he almost shouted out loud when he realized he’d just pointed this drug down a tunnel of thought that was far too realistic to pull himself back from. Which meant it would soon get far too difficult to divert his manic mind away from paranoia and back to pleasure.

Because the moment he opened the door to that panic-paved path he was tumbling down it head first and bottoms up, down and down into that pit of paranoia which screamed duty before dirty, protection before possession, that it was more important than ever to protect this woman now, that he fucking loved this woman and that changed everything.

Changed the mission.

Because now therewasno mission other than this woman.

Ice knew it in his pulsing heart, in his fevered brain, in his screaming soul.

Nobody mattered more than Indy O’Donnell.

Nothing mattered more than keeping her safe.

Ice’s head was splitting as he forced himself to stop his fingers from pulling Indy’s zip all the way down. Her legs were still spread wide, her face contorted with unadulterated pleasure. A part of him whispered that she needed this, that he needed this, that they both needed this, that maybe the damnmissionneeded this, needed them to cross this threshold, seal this commitment, finish what had stayed oddly unfinished, held back from the brink, like there was still a missing piece of the puzzle, some cosmic objection to this physical union, some other knot that needed to be tied before this deal could go through.

Now Ice felt a sharp pain behind his eye when he remembered the dangerously cruel idea that had popped into his mind earlier. He tried to blink away the idea, but it was hammering away inside his head, screaming that it would only work when this drug was hitting its peak, that the window was wide open right now but would close soon, that there was still something locked up in little Indy O’Donnell, one more piece of that inner darkness that needed to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light, that maybe this mission would fly off the rails and fail if that wasn’t done, wasn’t donenow, that maybe Ice was at a crossroads again, that he needed to choose whether to use the powerfully pregnant energy of the moment for the pleasure of future sex . . .

Or for the pain of past violence.

“What’s wrong?” came her voice through the haze of indecision. “Why’d you stop? Don’t stop, Ice.”

Ice gulped back that sickening sensation of being trapped between heaven and hell, pleasure and protection. He tried to grin, but could feel the tension in his smile, saw how Indy noticed it too, her face scrunching up in momentary rage, giving Ice a glimpse of that angry little girl who’d been locked inside this woman for three decades.

For a long moment Ice wondered if he’d already made the wrong choice, killed the fucking mood yet again, sent this train hurtling down the wrong track. He could feel her attention on him, her glare making her eyes glow in the green-tinted mist of their little cave. Ice’s hand was still on her crotch, his fingers teasing the cold metal of that half-undone zip. He was still erect beneath the firm cushion of her ass. He could just give in to what his body and heart both wanted, what her body and heart wanted too.

But his mind still said no.

It whispered that this drug had opened a door beyond which lay their forever. But they couldn’t walk through that door all the way yet. There was something they needed to carry with them across that final threshold, take this strange mission to its endgame—an endgame where they came out ahead, came out alive, came out together.

And Ice knew damn well what lay unfinished.

The interrogation.