Theron reached out to put his hand on my leg, and I willed myself not to recoil, even as his touch made bile rise in my throat. “You will see, dear one,” he said, his voice low, barely audible over the din of the crowd, who had now begun to chant impatiently. “You will see.”

Theron rose to his feet, and held his hands up for silence, which was met with cheers and whoops from his subjects. He looked down at me smiling widely.

“Good people of Veles,” he called when his attention moved back to the surrounding stands, “we are here today to witness the spectacle of the Arachne, and its prey! Princess Elara will today be our honored guest, and will be allowed to simply observe, rather than fight so bravely as she has up until now.”

The crowd clapped and cheered, then began to chant again, urging the tournament to begin. Theron threw his hands up in a gesture of mock defeat, and sank back into the chair beside me.

“Let the games begin, ey?” He asked.

There was a loud rumbling noise, followed by an ear-piercing roar. I jumped as the creature came into view, and the crowd went positively rabid around me. I’d never seen anything like this before.

It had eight legs, though the first set were much smaller and indeed looked like a crab’s claws. Its black shell was covered in red-tipped spines, and two beady eyes waved from the top of its head. It raced around the Pit, the footfalls of those scuttling legs echoing like thunder. It tore open its mouth, dripping and red, and roared again.

Theron clapped and laughed. “Oh my, what a creature! Truly magnificent, isn’t it?” He turned to me, smiling widely, a maniacal gleam in his eyes. “Are you impressed, dear one?”

Lightning flashed overhead, meeting the Arachne’s next terrifying shriek as it stampeded around the arena, seeking its prey. My blood ran cold as I wondered who Theron could possibly throw into the Pit, what leverage he possibly still had now that my parents were safe.

When I did not respond, Theron rose to his feet and clapped his hands together. “Bring out the target!” He called.

I kept my eyes fixed on the podium, waiting for something, someone, to emerge. Thunder rumbled, mingling with the sounds of the Arachne as it continued its death scuttle on the sand below, the sounds of the teeming crowd around me.

A pole began to rise out of the hole in the Podium, slowly, slowly. I felt faint. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t. Fear gripped my throat.

A figure was leaning against the pole, lifting its hands to shield against the sudden light. It staggered, trying to catch itself on the pole. It was dressed in grimy linens, a simple shirt and pants, its feet bare.

Mottled blond hair fell across their face. They moved their hands, and gazed around them, their violet eyes iridescent even from here.

It was Keir.

A scream tore from me as I leapt to my feet. The guards all moved as one to catch me, but I was too fast for them. I heard Rook call for me to stop,STOP. But I launched myself over the barricade, tumbling down into the sand with a heavy thud.

I scrambled to my feet and ran across the sand amidst shrieks and chanting from the Velesian crowd..

“Keir!” I cried. “Keir!”

He turned to look at me, confusion crossing his face. He stumbled forward, reaching out a hand. He was alive, he wasALIVE, oh Gods how had I been so stupid? Theron had corrupted the Bond somehow, and hidden him from me. Keir was alive, and he was here, reaching out for me.


I threw my arms around him. “You’re alive,” I cried, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

“Elara, you’re here,” he murmured, putting his arms around me. “You’re here, oh Gods, I was so worried.”

It was only then that I noted how cold his skin was. It was like ice against my face, no blood flowing beneath its surface. I drew back a little and took in his appearance. His eyes were glowing, but unfocused. His lips were blanched white.

“Elara?” He asked, raising a hand to my face.

The ground beneath us began to quake, and I spun around to see the Arachne racing towards us. I was unarmed. I had no weapon at all. I looked around frantically. There was nothing, nothing I could use.

I turned back to Keir, clutching his face in my hands.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, laying my forehead against his, flinching as his ice cold skin touched mine.

“We finally get to die together, I suppose,” he said.

I clutched on to him. Yes, we would finally die together. I closed my eyes, ready to feel the Arachne’s dripping mouth tear us apart.

It roared and shrieked, getting closer. I clenched my eyes shut.