“Yes, unfortunately.” His arms encircled me. “What I wouldn’t give to be able to just lie here with you, to wake up with you in my arms.”

“I want that too.” I pressed myself against his naked body, against his warmth. “I hate being left with only dreams of you.”

“So do I.” He looked sad suddenly, his eyes downcast. “You know, that once you’ve passed these trials, and you will pass them, you know…” He trailed off. Yes, I knew. I knew what he was saying.

I straddled him and seized his face in my hands. “I’m not leaving you here.”

He attempted a smile. “I’m afraid you won’t have much choice.”

“What did you say to me that day in the stables?” I asked, stroking his cheeks with my thumbs. “Remember what you said? If you believe you can’t, you’re right. If you believe you can, you’re right.”

“I’m a slave, my love.” His hands pushed the hair back from my face, drawing me down against his forehead. “But if I can see you be free -“

“Stop it.” Tears sprang to my eyes again. “Just stop. I’m not fucking leaving you here. Do you hear me? I’ll kill anyone who tries to stop me. You’re coming with me when I leave.”

He attempted a smile, but his eyes were still heavy with sadness. “See? I told you. The Gods help the world if we ever fall in love.”

“And we have.” Tears spilled down my cheeks onto his face, and he turned his mouth to gently kiss them away. “I’ll burn this place down to get you out of here, I swear it.”

“So you love me too then?”

I swallowed hard. “You know I do.” I put my hand on his chest, over his heart. “Mine?”

“Yours.” His voice was gruff as he clutched me to him. “Yours. Forever. All of me.”

“Tell me about Isambard,” I said, stroking his cheek. “Tell me about your home.”

He propped an arm behind his head, his other hand tracing small circles on my bare shoulder as I nuzzled in against his neck. “The ocean,” he began, “it glitters, like diamonds, when the sun rises. It’s the clearest water you’ve ever seen, turquoise. And it’s always warm.”

I sighed. “That sounds wonderful.”

“At dusk, the twin moons rise above it, and it’s so beautiful.”

“You’ll have to take me swimming there, one night.” I said, smiling as he chuckled.

“I suppose I will, yes.” He sighed, his fingers continuing their small circles on my naked skin. “The city itself is… itwasbeautiful. Blue buildings, golden roofs. It was a sight to behold. The trees aren’t green, like they are here. They’re yellow. Golden leaves, all year.”

“That sounds magical.”

He leaned forward to plant a kiss on my head. “It is.” His hand fell away from my shoulder. “I should go. It’ll be dawn soon.”

I climbed off him, watching as he retrieved his clothing from the floor. “I suppose I’ll see you at training then.”

Rook gave me an exasperated glance. “I think you’re joking, aren’t you?”


He leaned on his fists on the bed. “You’re hurt, and you need to heal. Your back is in a state. Besides,” he said with a grin, “I think we’ve had enough training tonight.”

“Is fucking training?”

“The best kind there is.” He kissed me tenderly, all the longing and desire to stay with me more than obvious. “I’ll see you at this monstrous banquet.”

I sighed. “Fuck.”

“Indeed.” He straightened up, his hands flexing a little as he gazed at me. He opened his mouth to speak, then shook his head with a sigh. He moved towards the window, and I rose from the bed to follow him. He turned and took me in his arms. “I’m sorry.”

I frowned. “What for?”