Theron chuckled, stroking the eagle again gently. “Yes, sometimes simple is better. Now, this will be the first trial, so I thought we’d have something special for you. A cousin of this creature in fact.” His head nodded to the eagle who remained perched on his arm.

My brow furrowed as I tried to make sense of what he was saying. “You mean for me to fight… a bird?”

Theron laughed heartily. “Oh no, something much more interesting than that. Have you ever seen a griffin?” The courtiers burst into excited chatter around us.

“I’ve never seen one up close, Sire.” I replied. A griffin. I could do that. I’d managed worse. They weren’t that big, were they?

Theron gestured to the window. “Why don’t you go and see?”

I heard a screeching coming from outside. It was so loud it was audible over the teeming crowd of courtiers, their excitement rising to fever pitch as the griffin outside let out a high-pitched roar.

I walked slowly to the window, willing my breathing to remain steady. It was alright, the creature couldn’t be that big. I’d taken down a bear before, single-handedly. I could handle this strange roaring creature.

I reached the window and my stomach dropped. The creature was so large that at first I didn’t even notice the iron cage it found itself in, nor the guards that stood around it, bellowing and poking it with spears every time it thrashed against the bars.

It was twice the size of a work horse, if not even larger, easily reaching 12 feet at its full height. Its beak was large enough to fit around my waist and snap me in two. I could see its yellow eyes, cold and calculating, planning escape. The cage, even as large as it was, rocked from side to side as the creature spread its brown feathered wings, shrieking and squawking wildly. The griffin was angry, and even that enormous cage could barely contain it.

A guard lunged forward to poke his spear between the bars, shouting at the raging creature. The griffin ripped the spear out of his grasp, yanking his arms within the confines of the cage.

My heart stopped as the griffin tore those arms off with one pass of its beak.

I didn’t stand a fucking chance against this thing.

“What say you, Your Highness?” Theron called across the room. “You defeat this creature, and you earn back the first part of your kingdom.”

I watched as the guard was carried away. He was completely silent, leaving a trail of blood behind him in the courtyard. The griffin tossed the arms to the ground, turning its head to eye them, before it descended on the severed limbs, swallowing them down. I could hear the bones crunching, even from this distance.

I walked back to the throne, slowly. “What part of my kingdom will I earn back with my victory?”

“I’d like that to remain a mystery, if it’s all the same to you.” Theron waved his hand. “Now, off you go, you must prepare. The trial will begin tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock.”

I ended up back in the training arena even though I didn’t remember walking there. I was suddenly back in the sunshine, and Rook was standing in front of me, talking. I didn’t hear a word. Panic roared in my ears. I’d never fought alone before, totally alone.

“Hey!” Rook grabbed my shoulders, shaking me. “You need to listen to me, or that thing is going to take off your head.”

“I can’t do this.” I said. “I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can.” Rook raised his eyebrows. “Are you fucking joking? You fought your way across Grixos all by yourself just to die with the man you loved, and you think you can't take on one single griffin?”

“Th-that was different. Did you see the size of that thing?”

Rook let out an exasperated sigh. “I know, it looks huge but-”

“I can’t do this Rook. I can’t.”

“Yes, you can.” His brow furrowed. “You need to breathe.”

I shook my head. “I c-can’t. I can’t do this. That thing tore that guard’s arms off, as th-though they were nothing.” I was breathing so fast now that my lungs hurt, and I felt dizzy. “Rook, I’m going to-”

He grabbed my arms. “You’re not going to faint. Deep breaths.”

“I’m going to die.” I was shaking violently now, feeling cold despite the burning sun. “You wanted me to die, and n-now you’ll get your wish.”

He growled out a breath through gritted teeth. “Ido notwant you to die.”

“B-but why?” I clawed my fingers into his shirt. “Why do you like me all of a s-sudden?”

“Elara, forfuck’s sake-”