“Please get a message to the King,” I said as haughtily as I could, “that I wish to go riding tomorrow afternoon.”

“Riding?” Regan asked incredulously. “Outside the castle grounds?”

“Yes, I’m going mad in this place, weeks and weeks on end. I need some fresh air and proper exercise.” I clasped my hands together, drawing myself up to my full height to make it clear I would take no argument. “I am more than willing to have a binding spell placed on me, to ensure I cannot go too far and that I will be back in the castle grounds by sundown.”

Regan looked for a moment as though he wanted to protest, but then his skinny shoulders merely slumped, and he sighed. “Very well, Your Highness.”

I gave him a brief nod. “And Norahi will accompany me.”

Regan’s eyebrows shot up. “Madam, you wish to be alone with Norahi?”

“I wish to be well-protected while I am outside the safety of the castle.” I turned to look at the guards with a cocked eyebrow. “And since I could best most of your guards myself, I do not see much point in sending them with me. I need Veles’s finest warrior, and that is Norahi.”

Regan almost groaned with exasperation. “Your father made it clear that he didn’t want you anywhere near Norahi.”

“My father would want me safe. Now, see to it that I will be able to have the comfort the King wishes for me to have and that two horses are made ready for us tomorrow afternoon.”

I stormed off down the passageway, back to my room. Regan didn’t even attempt to follow me, and for the first time in, I didn’t even know how long, I was excited. Genuinely, thrillingly excited.



To everyone’s shock - and certainly to mine, most of all - Theron agreed to let me go out riding with Elara for the afternoon. I couldn’t help but question his motives at first, but I couldn’t entertain the idea that more sinister intentions were at play. Not when I had hours of time outside of the fucking palace ahead of me, time alone with Elara.

I was escorted down to the courtyard, where my large black stallion had been saddled and readied for me. The stablehands were preparing a smaller palomino for Elara, one of them hauling a side saddle over his shoulder. I shook my head as I gestured to it.

“I suggest you get her a proper saddle or she’ll whip you,” I said. “She’s a soldier and I can tell you right now she won’t be wearing a dress.”

Sure enough, Elara appeared a moment after Regan appeared in the courtyard, wearing form-fitting brown riding leathers and a linen camisole. The look of disgust on her face when she saw the side saddle made me laugh out loud.

She met my eyes with a look of confusion and amusement. “Do the Velesian ladies really ride like that?”

I shrugged. “Not everyone has thighs as powerful as yours.”

She grinned, then concern overtook her face. “Are you healed?” She took a few hurried steps towards me. “The wound, did it close up?”

“Your battlefield witchcraft was splendid,” I assured her. “It’s healed up perfectly.”

“Oh good.” She took my hand. “I was so worried.”

Regan cleared his throat loudly. “If you two are quite finished.” He stepped between us, holding out both his hands. “I will place the binding on you both now.”

Elara and I each placed a hand in his, and a low hum emanated from Regan’s fingertips. A shimmering golden thread appeared, winding itself around our wrists, before settling into place. It buzzed against my skin, but not unpleasantly.

“You must both be back within the palace grounds before sundown,” Regan said as he released us.

“Or what?” I asked with a grin.

Regan’s glare was thunderous. “Don’t test me, Norahi. The King has made his decision and I don’t need to agree with it.”

“No you don’t,” Elara said lightly, turning to her horse as the stablehands finished fitting her saddle. “Now, shall we?” She smiled at me widely.

“We shall.”

We mounted our horses, and I laughed as Elara waved airily to Regan as we trotted out of the courtyard.

“You’re a true queen, you know that?” I asked as we rode towards the gates.