“He needs a healer immediately,” I said, but they were already dragging him away.

I looked up at Theron, who was smiling down at me. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to claw his fucking eyes out. He wanted to make me suffer. He had no one left to torture me with. I didn’t even want to guess what he’d do next.

He gestured to me. “Looks like you need a new dress, dear one.”

I looked down, and saw the splatters of blood on the lilac fabric, the torn skirt where I had stumbled and caught it with my shoes. My stomach churned.

I was so fucking sick of blood.



Regan entered my chamber just as I’d finished getting dressed. The simple blue cotton dress was a welcome relief from the flowing silk gown, especially as the summer storm had made the afternoon oppressively humid.

“Your Highness,” Regan said, bowing his head, “how are you feeling after today’s events?”

“I think you can probably imagine,” I replied.

“Indeed.” Regan met my eyes with a sympathetic smile. “The King has asked if there is anything that may be provided to you to make you more comfortable this afternoon.”

“I wish to see Norahi, immediately.”

Regan seemed taken aback by the request, and cocked an eyebrow. “Madam, I do not understand how -“

“Norahi risked his life to save me this day and I will offer him my gratitude in person, now I would kindly ask you to escort me to his chambers immediately.” My voice was even more commanding than I intended.

Regan was caught so off guard that he merely stood aside and allowed me to pass through the doorway, before he followed me out, then took the lead.

We walked down the stone corridors, then came to a winding staircase. We entered a darker part of the castle with a lower ceiling, the narrow windows wedged just below the ceiling letting in precious little light.

We arrived at an arched wooden door, where two guards stood.

“Is the healer with Norahi presently?” Regan asked.

The guard leaned lazily against the wall and shrugged. “Refused one apparently.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course he has.” I took a step towards the door and the guards instantly straightened to bar my way.

“Move this instant.” I ordered.

They were both surprised, and their eyes moved to Regan. “Your Grace, what do we-”

“You will move aside immediately,” I interjected. “If Norahi has refused a healer he will not refuse me now stand aside and let me pass.”

They jerked aside like naughty schoolboys and I pushed through the door into Rook’s room. I heard Regan take a step, and I turned to close the door in his face. I didn’t care if I was being insolent, no one would challenge me right now.

“Hello love,” came the voice from the corner of the room. Rook was sitting in a wooden tub by the window. He smiled as I approached, though his smile was pained.

“Don’t Hello Love me. I’m told you refused a healer.” I raised my eyebrows. “Now who’s a fucking idiot?”

Rook rolled his eyes. “I thought you’d come to coddle me a little, not give me guff.”

I reached the side of the tub and gasped when I saw the wound, heavily leeching blood into the bathwater. I shook my head as I met Rook’s eyes. “Fucking gods, Rook, you’re going to bleed out.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Rook said, waving his hand dismissively. “I’ve had much worse.”

“Get out of the tub now,” I ordered, holding out a towel. When he didn’t move immediately, I glared and shoved the towel at him. “Now,Rook!”