“The Princess shall engage in another trial, tomorrow!” Theron raised his hands to enthusiastic cheers from the courtiers.

“Tomorrow?” My father asked, his voice barely audible over the noise in the hall. “Your Majesty, my daughter has barely healed and -“

Theron’s green eyes flashed down to look at my father, and he grinned. “Oh, do not concern yourself, Your Grace. This trial will not require anything of your daughter besides her attendance.”

My father turned to look at me, and he shook his head, his brow furrowed. “But what could possibly be won?” He was asking me, Theron, anyone, anyone who would have an answer.

Theron’s eyes moved over to me, and his grin turned my stomach. “This trial will prove your daughter’s powers of endurance, your Grace.”

Endurance.I tried to keep my breathing even. “And what shall I be required to endure, Your Majesty?” I asked.

Theron raised his eyebrows and shrugged. “You will see in good time, dear one. Now.” He clapped his hands, and servants began to carry out silver platters piled high with food. “It is time for us to dine and celebrate your victory.” He raised a goblet to me, and I was sure I was going to faint.

I bowed my head to him briefly. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Food was placed before me, and I forced myself to eat something, just a small amount. Just a little. I could feel Theron’s gaze on me, testing me, waiting for any tiny hint of fear, of relinquishment. I would give him no such satisfaction.

“Please, Your Majesty,” my father said, leaning closer to Theron as the king took his seat. “Please, we must be able to come to some sort of understanding. A treaty.”

Theron met my father’s eyes with a look of boredom and amusement. “A treaty? On what terms?”

“My daughter, please, she must be allowed to have her freedom.”

“Why?” Theron asked, taking a sip from his goblet.

“She is a Princess, she is my daughter.” My father’s voice faltered.

Theron lifted his goblet, and pointed a finger in Rook’s direction. “He is a Prince, what does it matter?”

My father spluttered and stammered, trying to find the words, but Theron held up a hand for silence.

“Your Grace, you have nothing to offer me,” he said in a low voice, “you are a King with no kingdom, and you have made it rather clear that your heir has fallen very much short of your expectations.”

My father’s gaze flashed to mine for a moment. “I love my daughter, and am very proud -“

“It is no secret in this realm that you are more than disappointed that you failed to produce a male heir,” Theron interjected, “do not make excuses to me now. You should be pleased that your daughter has the prospect of a good marriage before her.”

My chest constricted, and anger seeped into my veins as my father’s eyes met mine helplessly. Theron was right - my father had nothing with which to negotiate my release, and he never would.

The evening gave way to the dark of the night, and it remained oppressively hot. Lightning began to flash in the distance, a deep roll of thunder sounding as the hall began to clear of courtiers. Regan appeared to escort me back to my room, and I turned to my father. I knew I was saying goodbye to him, and I had no idea when I would see him again. I should try and be tender, to at least part on good terms.

But his eyes were hard as they met mine, and as he took me in his arms to say farewell, he whispered in my ear, “Stay away from him, like I told you to.”


As I was escorted along the stone passageway back to my room, thunder growled overhead, and I wondered if that would be the last word I ever said to my father.



“Dress already off then?” The voice followed the soft creak of the window falling open, and I raised my head from the pillow to watch Rook climb into my room. He was dripping, soaked with the rain that now fell outside, carried in by the summer storm.

“Drusilla insisted,” I told him, sitting up to watch him strip his wet clothes from his muscular body. The firelight illuminated his skin, and desire flooded my groin. “Hurry up,” I chided, and he chuckled.

“I thought I was going to be begging for you tonight, princess,” he said, climbing into the bed beside me and growling appreciatively when he found me already naked.

“I don’t have the energy to make you beg.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, moaning into his mouth as he kissed me slowly.