“Coming!” I bellowed. I kissed Elara’s forehead, and stroked her cheek with my thumb. “Sleep. I’ll be back soon.”

She nodded, and with one last kiss on her shoulder, I walked to the door, throwing it open to the guard’s exasperated face.

“Took bloody long enough,” he said. “Go on then, King’s in his study. Said someone wants to see you.”



The guard opened the door to Theron’s study, and I stepped in to see Theron sitting on his desk, his arms crossed over his chest. He regarded me with a cocked eyebrow, looking me up and down.

“Good evening, Rook.”

I bowed my head. “Sire.” I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and looked up - straight into the face of Elara’s father. I looked back at Theron. “What is he doing here?”

Theron laughed out loud as Vayr’s glowering gaze remained on me. “High Lord Vayr has requested an audience with you, Rook. I am sorry to tear you away from your other engagements, I’m told you were - where were you again?” He looked from Vayr, back to me, his brows knit together, shooting up as he snapped his fingers. “Ah yes, I’m told you were brought here directly from Princess Elara’s bedside.”

Vayr’s eyes widened with fury, and he charged at me. “You, you depraved fucking -”

“I wascomfortingher after she saved your life today, you old bastard.”

Vayr stopped short at my words, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “You have no business being anywhere near her.”

“And you have no business telling me what I’m to do,” I replied.

“How is the Princess?” Theron asked casually, rising from his desk.

“She’s upset.” I met his gaze and tried not to let my rage show. “She’s suffered a great deal.”

Theron stroked his chin and nodded. “Yes, failure is not easy to stomach when you are used to victory.” He shrugged. “At least she tried.”

I inhaled through my nose, determined to steady myself. “Yes, she did.”

“And her injuries?” Theron seemed almost bored.

“She will heal, I’m sure.”

“Excellent.” Theron gave Vayr a wide smile. “Lucky she’s so resilient, ey?”

“Sire, may I ask why I’m here?”

“Got somewhere else to be?” Theron guffawed at my question and shook his head. “In such a hurry, Rook, anyone would think you had a warm bed and a naked female waiting for you.”

Vayr turned on me again. “I swear to you, Norahi, if you go anywhere near my daughter I will end you.”

“Do you know what I do with your daughter?” I raised my eyebrows when he didn't respond, his mouth set in a hard line. “I train your daughter so she doesn’t fuckingdiedown in that Pit.”

“Fuck you, Norahi.” He turned back to Theron, his finger darting in my direction. “Thisdemonisn’t to come anywhere near my daughter.”

Theron’s lips twitched pensively, and he narrowed his eyes as he looked at Vayr. “That sounded a lot like a command, My Lord.”

Vayr quickly bowed his head. “Apologies, Sire. I am merely a father eager to protect his daughter.”

“That’s really rather noble of you,” Theron said, rubbing his hands together. “I am not yet a father myself, but I do understand the urge to protect my offspring.” His eyes flickered to me, and I dropped my gaze to the floor. “Oh yes, any male who has heard the cries of his child would knowexactlyhow far a father would go to protect their own.”

My heart wrenched in my chest, and I clenched my teeth together.

There was a knock at the door, and it opened to a guard. “Sire, Regan is ready to see you.”