“He killed someone,” I said emphatically.

Drusilla laughed. “A guard is not a Someone in this palace, my lamb. Theron values Rook more than some sniveling guard.”

The inhumanity of this place made my stomach churn.

The maid came in - red hair, big tits - and she avoided my eyes this time. Instead of envy, I felt pity. A stupid girl, just like me. Taken in by the big, strong, handsome warrior. I was such a fool.

I struggled with my breakfast, which I never had before. But there was more at stake now. I knew Theron would not give me another chance to save my father, and if I lost again today, I couldn’t bear to think what this would mean. My father’s death? My own? The loss of my kingdom? What would they do to my mother?

I pushed it all away. Failure was not an option today.

I choked down as much food as I could, and then let Drusilla help me get dressed. She braided my hair, drawing it back from my face. I turned my head in the mirror, looking at the scars on my jaw, my missing ear.

“I wonder what Theron has in store for me today,” I said quietly.

Drusilla clutched my shoulders and smiled at my reflection. “You will win today. It won’t be a horrid banshee, that much we know for certain, ey?” She gave me a squeeze, and then the door opened behind her.

Regan stepped in, his gaze critical. “Your Highness, they are ready for you.”

We took a different path towards the Pit, and I looked towards the doors of the armory. “I need my weapon,” I said to Regan’s back as he strode ahead of me.

“There is no need for a weapon today, Highness.” He barely glanced over his shoulder as he said it.

No need for a weapon? What kind of trial could possibly require no weapon? I balked as I thought of having to engage in hand to hand combat with some creature who was much bigger than I was. My confidence faltered with every step I took closer to the Pit. The sun shone brilliantly overhead, and sweat formed on the back of my neck. The crowd was cheering and whistling as we walked into an arched tunnel underneath the Pit.

Regan escorted me to a barred entrance, then spun to face me, his hands clasped behind his back. “Now, Your Highness, you will wait here until the door opens, yes?”

I nodded. “Of course.”

Regan and the guards left the chamber, and the heavy door fell closed after them. I clenched and unclenched my fists as I waited for the barred door to open, sweat forming on my palms. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I had never gone into combat unarmed. Suddenly the door flew open behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Rook storming into the room.

“I told you to stay the fuck away from me!” I held a hand up to stop him, but he thundered towards me and seized me in his arms.

“It’s a time trial,” he hissed, “the floor of the pit will give way underneath you, you have a set amount of time to get across it.”

I tried to shake him off. “Get away from me!”

“I don’t have much time!” His eyes were wild. “No matter what gets in your way, you do not stop, do you hear me? You keep moving. You can cross the pit in half the time they’ve given you, so do. Not. Stop. You can make it in time. When you reach your father, throw the chains on the trap before it closes on him.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked.

He clutched me to him, pressing his lips against my forehead. “Do not stop.” He released me and hurried out of the room.

I watched the door close behind him.Do not stop. Keep moving. Be quick.The barred door began to rise haltingly into the ceiling with a metallic rattle. I walked slowly forward, down the darkened tunnel. The door at the far end began to rise, allowing the brilliant sunshine to stream in.

Do not stop.

Do not stop.

I proceeded to the entrance to the Pit, and blinked as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight. The crowd was deafening, cheering and chanting.

The Pit was a bare landscape of sand. It reminded me of the stories I’d heard of the Wastes, the endless, barren landscape that stretched out across the eastern side of Korbiriya - nothing but sand, and death. It reflected the harsh sunlight, and I squinted, trying to take in my surroundings.

I could see the path ahead of me, extending across the Pit, towards a raised platform. No - two platforms. Anxiety prickled at my lips, and I tried to rub it away with the back of my hand. On one platform was my father, chained down by his hands and feet. On the other - oh Gods, ohfucking Gods.My stomach churned as I looked up at Theron, who raised his hands for silence.

“Good people of Veles, we are once again here to see our esteemed royal guest, the princess of Peyrus, save her Kingdom!” Theron looked around the stands with a wide smile as cheers rose from the heaving crowd. He gestured to the platforms. “In order to make this trial much more interesting, we have given the princess two targets.”

Two targets. Two fucking targets. It was then that I noticed the woman at Theron’s side, her face streaked with tears, her hands bound to the chair she sat in. Her long black hair was disheveled, her violet eyes iridescent in her smooth brown face. Her gaze was one of sheer desperation.