The rumbling began again, and the walls around me shifted.

The cries of the crowd seemed to reach a crescendo, and I looked up to see their gazes all fixed to something that lay ahead of me. I ran faster, my feet sliding against the wet ground. I was nearly there.

The labyrinth widened out, the walls falling away beside me.

And then I saw my father. On his knees on a platform ahead, heavy chains holding down his hands. He looked so weak, so helpless, his long white hair sticking to his cheeks. His shoulders raised slightly as he saw me pelting towards him.

“Elara?” His voice rang out. “Elara? Oh Gods, Elara!”

I watched in horror as a banshee rose behind him.

“No!” Why weren’t my feet moving faster. Why was I so fucking slow? My father seemed to be moving further and further away from me.

The banshee opened its mouth, wide, so impossibly wide, and it screamed. “No!” I came to a skidding halt as I crashed to my knees just short of the plume of green smoke. Arankos fell into the water around me, and I stared, disbelieving, at the last spot I’d seen my father. I’d failed. I’d fucking failed. He’d died.

The labyrinth dissolved around me, giving way to wet sand. I couldn’t breathe. Water ran into my eyes, my mouth, as I kneeled on the ground, my fingers clawed into my thighs.I hadn’t been fast enough. My father had been killed, burned and tortured by that fucking green smoke.

The smoke cleared, and my father’s eyes stared at me. He blinked, looking around him, at the barrier around him, that shimmered and undulated as the green smoke drew back from it. The banshee was gone.

The crowd burst into applause.

I didn’t understand. I'd failed. Why was my father still alive?

I heard clapping to my right.

“Elara, oh dear, I am sorry!” Theron’s voice was dripping with false concern. I didn’t turn to look at him, my eyes staying on my father. “You did try so hard, didn’t you?”

“Elara?” My father shook his head. “My sweetheart, what are you doing here?” He looked at Theron. “Why is my daughter here? What are you doing with her?”

“Your daughter has agreed to be a part of these games here in order to earn back her kingdom.” Theron smiled magnanimously at my father. “She is such a brave warrior.”

My father opened his mouth to speak, then his eyes widened, his gaze shifting past Theron ever so slightly. I followed the line of his sight, and saw Rook standing behind Theron. “What is he doing here?” My father asked, and he looked back at me with alarm. “Elara, you stay away from him, do you hear me? Do you hear -“

Theron clapped his hands, his golden wings rustling loudly as he extended them. “Enough of this!” He pointed to two guards, then to my father. “Take King Vayr back to his cell, to await another trial in the morning.”

I was still kneeling on the ground. “What do you mean, another trial?” I looked up at him, the rain catching on my lashes. “I failed.”

Theron leaned down, his brows furrowing as he smiled. “Oh dear one, you did not think me so cruel, did you? But of course I will give you a second chance.”

I was so flooded with relief I thought I would be sick. “You will?”

Theron tutted, and reached out to stroke my cheek with the back of his finger. “Elara, my dear, I’m not a monster.” He straightened, his hands clasped behind his back. “And it shall be a very simple trial, I promise you. Do not be afraid. Nothing can be worse than a banshee, surely?”

I turned back to my father, who was being unchained by the guards. “I'll save you, Papa.”

His eyes kept darting from Rook back to me. “My darling girl, please, please be careful.” He fought the guards for only a moment before they seized him roughly, dragging him away.

Rook was suddenly kneeling beside me in the rain. “Are you alright? Fuck, your ear is bleeding.”

“Their screams,” I gasped. “Their screams, they h-hurt m-my ear.”

“I’m sure they did. Fucking Nav.” He tipped my head to inspect the burned side of my face. “She needs a healer,” he barked over his shoulder, “this is deep.”

“But of course my friend,” Theron said, and he clapped Rook on the back. “You know what’s best.” He leaned down, and nudged Rook. “Well done too, ey? You’re doing the most wonderful job keeping our pretty guest distracted.” His green eyes met mine, and he winked. “Night Demons are so very good with the females.” Theron strolled away from us, back towards the stands, out of the rain.

Rook’s eyes were steely as I looked back at him. The stab of betrayal was so great that I slumped sideways, putting out a hand to catch myself. Rook reached out to try and help, and I pushed him away.

“Don’t fucking touch me.” It hurt to talk, the skin on my jaw tender and raw.