“You’re fast,” he said, “you’re incredibly fast. You can jump high, long distances. I saw it, you jumped right over that griffin’s head, like it was nothing.”

“What if I can’t use either of those skills?”

With a frustrated growl he pushed me back against the wall of the stable, pressing his body against me. “Gods fucking sake.” His chest heaved as he looked down at me, his hands splayed across my shoulders. “Listen to me now. You stop looking for the faults, and start looking for the gains. You recognise those strengths. You draw on them. If you tell yourself you can’t do something, you’re right. If you tell yourself you can do something, you’re right, do you understand me?”

“But if I don’t know my enemy?”

“Then you think fast.” His eyes moved over my face, flickering over my lips. “You didn’t hesitate to think about the strength and weakness of each soldier you faced on the battlefield, you thought about what you had to do to take them down. And you did. To the bitter end.”

“This is different.”

He shook his head. “No, princess. It’s just a battle, like any other.”

I slumped against the wall. “I’m tired, Rook. I’m so fucking tired.”

His gaze softened. “Still not sleeping well?”

“It’s more than that. It’s the fear, the anticipation, the never knowing what will come next.” I sagged into his arms, and he held me tightly against him. “I wish you could pick me up, and fly me away from all this. Just take me far away.”

“So do I, princess. More than anything. But I-I need...” He broke off, burying his face in my hair. “I need you to stop talking about dying. I can’t take it.”

“What’s this then?” A guard’s voice sounded from the door of the stable.

“Fuck off.” Rook’s voice was sharp like the crack of a whip.

“You step away from her now.” The guard was moving closer.

Rook kept his arms around me as he turned to look over his shoulder. “I said, fuck off.”

“You’re not to touch her,” the guard said, his lip curling into a cocky grin.

“If I wanted to fuck her in here I would, now I told you to fuck off.” Rook’s arms remained around me.

The guard drew his sword, and pointed it at us. “You want to give me reason to use this then?”

“Rook,” I said, trying to move out his grasp. “Don’t do this, just let me go.”

“No.” His voice was a low snarl. “You want me to let her go, you come over here and make me.”

The guard moved closer, his grin getting wider. “Always wanted to see what a Night Demon looks like on the inside.” He chuckled. “Going to cut that famous cock of yours off and put it up on my wall.”

“Is that right?” Rook’s arms around me were like iron. “Would have thought you’d want it so you could fuck yourself with it, you pathetic little shit.”

The guard rushed at him, and Rook let go of me to spin around, reaching past the advancing blade as it missed its target. He grabbed a hold of the guard, whose eyes widened with surprise, and seized him by the throat. He lifted him off his feet, the guard spluttering wildly as his hands flailed at Rook’s arm.

“Rook, stop it.” I put my hands on his back. “Put him down, this is going to land you in trouble.” But he wasn’t listening to me, his whole body tense as he held the guard in the air. “Rook!” I moved to his side, putting my hands on his arm. “Please, put him down.” Rook’s eyes were glowing, fixed on the guard.

“No one tells me not to touch her.” He snarled. The guard was going purple, spittle foaming at his lips.

I put my hand on Rook’s cheek, and he inhaled sharply, his eyes flashing to mine.

“Put him down,” I said. “Please, put him down.”

Rook looked at me, his shoulders heaving. His brow furrowed for a moment, and he lowered his arm, slowly. The guard’s feet swung back and forth, trying desperately to find the ground. Rook’s grip eased, and the guard gasped in a breath, his face bright red.

“You’re insane,” he spluttered, his voice rasping. “You’re fucking insane, Norahi.”

Rook turned on him again, his teeth bared. “Watch your fucking mouth.” He shoved the guard away, sending him stumbling. “Now fuck off like I told you to.”