

Aknock on my door brought an unexpected visitor. Theron’s wings were held close to his back as he walked into my chamber, and I rose to my feet, bowing my head. Drusilla dropped into a low curtsey, and remained there until I started speaking.

“Your Majesty, you’ve come to visit me?” I didn’t smile as my eyes met his. “To what do I owe this pleasure? Have you come to announce the next trial?”

Theron’s eyes fixed on Drusilla as she cleared the plates from the table. “You, you can go.” His voice was cold. “I need to speak to the Princess alone.”

Drusilla eyed me with uncertainty for a split second, before bobbing her knees and scurrying out of the room. Theron’s gaze stayed on me, and I held it, unwavering. The door closed behind Drusilla, and Theron’s mouth twitched into a smile.

“Alone at last, dear one.”

“So it would seem.” I replied.

“How have you been?” He asked. “ I do hope the griffin didn’t leave any permanent damage on those legs of yours.”

I shook my head and gave him a small smile. “Certainly not, Sire. I’ve healed rather well, thankfully.”

Theron nodded, and strolled across the room. “Excellent. I’ve always admired the healing powers of the Fae.”

“Was my mother returned safely to Peyrus?”

“Mmm.” Theron walked past me, seeming to admire the stained glass windows beside him. “Everything is well, no need to worry.”

“I thank you.”

“The next trial will not be as easy,” he warned me, his bright white teeth drawn into a wide smile.

“I’m not afraid.” I was grateful my voice didn’t waver.

“No, I can see that.” He sat down on the window and stretched his wings out either side of him. “Have you seen Rook at all?”

The question sent both a bolt of warmth into my chest and a knot of concern into my stomach. Theron knew everything that went on in this palace, and there was no doubt in my mind that he knew about the chess game that had taken place the day before.

“Yes,” I said nonchalantly. “We had the pleasure of indulging in a game of chess together. A different kind of training, I suppose.”

“Keeping the mind sharp is just as important as keeping the body strong.” Theron regarded me warmly, looking me up and down. “You do know who Rook is, don’t you? I’m sure he’s told you by now.”

“He is the Prince of Isambard.” Gods, I hated his baiting. With Theron I always felt I was two steps behind, unsure of which direction he intended to take.

Theron nodded slowly. “Do you know much about the Night Demons? About their powers?”

“I-I know they can turn into dragons.”

“Asortof dragon, I suppose, yes.” A golden feather dislodged itself from his wing, and he picked it up from where it had fluttered to land on his thigh. He twirled it in his fingers. “But they can do much more than that. Rook, in particular, he has - well, hehadincredible command of powers I’d never seen before.”

“Is that so?”

“Oh yes.” Theron grinned. “He can summon the darkness to do his bidding.”

Grim fascination overtook me. If it had been anyone but Theron telling me this, I would have been entranced, determined to know more. Shadow magic was something I’d only ever heard of in stories. But I was reluctant to ask Theron for more details, simply because I wanted him to stop talking and leave me alone.

Theron lifted an eyebrow when I didn’t respond. “Rook was truly gifted. It was a shame to take all that away from him, but I had to rely on his strength to serve me. Leaving my enemy with such a command of the shadows would have been foolish.” He looked out the window at the warm morning light, rubbing his hands together lightly. “He is the greatest prize I could have hoped to seize. I’ll have to show you his hair sometime.”

“His hair?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

Theron’s eyes rolled pensively to the ceiling. “I have quite the collection. You see, he’s the only one of the heirs that survived. The others were all weak, all died within months of coming here to Veles. I collected 6 heirs from the kingdoms, and was left with only one.”