“I know, love.” I placed my other hand over hers, knowing guards were probably watching from some shadowed corner of the library, ready to report back to Theron. But she was all I could focus on, her very being tearing my mind from every other thought. “And I wish now I’d not been so stupid.”

“I want you to say those things to me.” Her voice dropped low. “I want you to whisper those things to me, the things you say in my dreams.”

My heart was threatening to pound its way directly out of my ribcage. Fucking gods, how had this innocent little Fae princess turned the tables on me like this, that I was now melting under her gaze, fighting the urge to drag her off into a dark corner of the library and give in to her.

“You can’t say things like that to me here,” I said, attempting a small grin. “You’re going to drive me mad.”

Her gaze intensified, and I was keenly aware of the rise and fall of her breasts, her nipples peaking under the silk of her dress. Her hand was hot between mine, and my whole body was tense with longing. The storm raged outside, but neither of us were paying any attention to it anymore. The tempest of lust that was rampaging through my blood was more than enough to distract me.

“Rook,” she murmured, and one of her feet rubbed against my leg under the table.

How the fuck could just the touch of a foot send heat flooding my groin? I suppressed a groan, gripping on to her hand.

“It wouldn’t be meaningless,” she said again.

I couldn’t stand it any more. I pushed out of my chair, sending it toppling to the floor with a crash. Elara watched me with hooded eyes and parted lips as I fell to my knees beside her, yanking her chair out from underneath the chess table. I pulled her towards me, her legs parting so we were chest to chest. Her breathing was rapid as my hands gripped the back of her chair, caging her in. Her lips were mere inches from mine.


The sharp call of the guard shattered the moment in an instant. I backed away from Elara, who was flushed and in disarray in her chair as the guard approached.

“What is the meaning of this?” The guard snapped, looking from me to Elara.

I rose to my feet slowly. “It’s none of your concern.”

“Looks to me like you were trying to have your way with the Princess here,” the guard said with a sneer, pointing his spear at my face.

“I was frightened,” Elara said, smoothing the silk of her dress back over her legs.

“Frightened?” The guard asked incredulously. “Of what?”

Elara gestured to the window as lightning flashed. “The storm. It’s especially violent today, and I was afraid. Norahi thought I was about to faint. Didn’t you?” Her eyes flashed up to mine.

I nodded. “Yes. She looked as though she was in need of assistance, nothing more.”

The guard lowered his spear, digging it into the shiny wood floor thoughtlessly as he leaned on it, eyeing us suspiciously. “You watch yourself, Norahi.”

“You watchyourself.” I waved him off. “Now leave us alone.”

The guard walked off with a huff, grumbling to himself about insolence andfucking Night Demons. I waited until he was well out of earshot before I looked back down at Elara, who was sitting primly in the chair, her hands clasped in her lap.

“Sorry,” she murmured. “That was so stupid of me.”

I lifted my hand to touch her, then quickly pulled it back, letting it drop. I couldn’t touch her. If I touched her now that barely-contained monsoon of longing would take over again. She gazed up at me with a sigh.

“I should go back to my room,” she said softly, getting to her feet. She paused in front of me, her head lowered. Her breath shuddered as she turned her head ever so slightly. “Thank you for the chess game.”

“We didn’t finish.” I gestured to the board. “Perhaps you can beat me at it another time.”

She let out a short laugh. “Yes. Perhaps.”

Neither of us moved, just wanting to stay close, just wanting to feel the other’s presence. Her hand stretched a little, as though reaching out for me. She let out a frustrated sigh, stepping away from me.

“I’ll see you at training,” she said, before spinning on her heel and walking quickly out of the library. The door closed in the distance, and I was left alone.

I looked down at the chess board, at the ivory Queen and the ebony King, standing beside each other, and couldn’t help but smile. I scooped the pieces into my hand, tucking them away in my pocket, and went back to my chambers.

A King is nothing without his Queen. Without her, everything is meaningless.