“Elara,” she said as I put my arms around her. She was still chained, so all she could do was bury her face into the crook of my neck. “Oh my darling girl, where have you been?”

“I’m sorry, Mama.” I felt tears welling up, but pushed them away, pushed them down.Not now. I couldn’t cry here. “I’m so sorry.”

“I was out of my mind for months.” Her lip quivered as she stared at me, shaking her head. “My precious girl, what happened?”

Pain was starting to muddy my thoughts. “I’m sorry, Mama.”

Applause sounded beside us, and I looked up to see Theron and his entourage approach. “Well done, Princess.” He said, his gaze moving to my mother with a sneer. “You defeated it. Granted, it was an easy trial. But I must say I am impressed.”

“Will you release her?” I asked.

Theron nodded. “But of course, dear one. That was the arrangement. Your mother may go home, as we agreed.” He gave me a smile that was almost kind. “I am a man of my word, Elara.”

I bowed my head. “Thank you, Sire.”

My mother sobbed quietly. “May I have a moment with my daughter out of these chains?”

Theron gestured to a guard, who stepped forward, and I released my mother as he unlocked the chains binding her down. As soon as she was free, she threw herself on me, sobbing again as she held me close.

“What happened, my darling?” She whispered.

“I went with Keir,” I told her. “I’m sorry, I never should have left, I’m sorry.”

“Are you alright?” She asked, taking my face in her hands, her hand straying over the side of my face, her eyes widening. “Oh Gods, Elara -“

“It’s… it’s alright.” I felt faint, and swayed a little as I tried to stay upright in front of her.

“Your ear, your face -“ She broke off as another sob tore through her, and she clutched me to her. “Oh, my darling girl.”

“Alright, that will do,” Theron said suddenly, and stepped forward. “Your mother has a long journey back to Peyrus ahead of her, and I wouldn’t want her return delayed.”

“No!” My mother clung to me desperately. “You can’t keep her here! Please!”

But she was yanked out of my arms, out of my grasp, and I merely slumped to the ground as she was dragged away, screaming my name, fighting against the iron grip of the guards.

Theron looked down at me, and nodded. “We’ll have you seen to.” He snapped his fingers, and guards rushed forward to help me to my feet. “Take her to the infirmary.”

The guards wanted to carry me out on a stretcher, but I refused. I’d walk out of the Pit if it was the last thing I did. I limped along as the crowd cheered, my mother’s screams echoing through my head as the Pit around me changed from a lush jungle into a simple, bare arena with a sandy floor.

I was led through a tunnel, into a stone-walled chamber where a bed stood in the middle. I sat down heavily, staring at the floor.

“The healer will be along,” the guard told me, hurrying to the door, leaving me alone. I looked at my hands, covered in griffin blood. I realized I didn’t know what had happened to Arankos. I assumed they would find it and lock it up again, until the next trial.

My breath caught in my throat, as the weight of what had happened bore down on me. I’d survived. I’d saved my mother. But this was the first trial. I’d have to do this again. Something else, like this, again.

“You fucking idiot!” Rook’s voice thundered as he stormed into the infirmary. “I told you to push that sword in, further than you needed to.”

“The griffin kicked me,” I replied weakly. “I couldn’t-“

“It nearly killed you!” His eyes were wild. “You nearly had your fucking throat torn out!”

“Nearly.” I gave him a weak smile.

He shook his head and rushed at me, stopping short, his arms tense as though he wanted to take me into them. “Nearly. Fucking Nav, nearly.” He looked down at me, taking my face in his hands. “I thought…” He leaned closer to me, then swallowed hard, his brow furrowed. “I thought I was about to watch you die.”

“Too determined for that kiss.” I replied.

Rook rolled his eyes and gave me a crooked smile. “You smell like a rotting corpse.”