I felt my cheeks once again erupt with heat. “I had very pleasant dreams,” I replied, “about kittens and meadows of flowers.”

Rook laughed out loud. “Well that sounds delightful.”

“And you?”

“Oh yes, I did have a nice dream.” He stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I can’t quite remember it in detail. I think I was licking something rather delicious?”

I wheezed as I tried to hold back my abashed giggles.

“If you don’t mind,” Regan snapped over his shoulder.

Rook and I exchanged a quick glance and both suppressed laughter. “How do you do that?” I asked.


“I’m about to walk into an arena of death and I’m laughing with you.”

“It’s because you know you’re going to win.” He swung his hand, brushing against mine for the briefest of moments. “It has nothing to do with me.”

The towering walls of the Pit came into view over the tops of the oak trees. We descended a set of stone stairs, where more guards joined us, and I began to wonder just how frightened the Velesians were of me.

The tall wooden door to the armory was thrown open to allow us entry, and the sounds coming from the arena were so loud I was sure all of Veles had shown up. Shown up to watch the Peyrusian Princess get torn to pieces by a griffin. I gave myself a shake. No, I wouldn’t be getting eaten up by a fucking griffin today. I was going to win.

The guards followed us into the armory, and there, in an open chest, lay Arankos, its blue hilt gleaming in the light that flooded in from gaps near the roof. It began to hum as I approached, and the guards all backed away as though it was about to explode. I knelt and put my hand on the blade. The humming reached a crescendo, and then died down. The guards muttered amongst themselves, and I couldn’t help but grin.

“Happy to see you, ey?” Rook asked, leaning on his ax.

“I’d say so.” I picked it up, the hilt warm in my hand, fitting perfectly as though it had been made just for me. I exhaled slowly. “Hello, old friend.” I said softly. It felt better than I had expected, to have my weapon in my hands again. I gave Rook a smile. “Do I look ready?”

“You look incredible.” He gestured to my eyes. “Especially that. I like that a lot.”

“Thank you.” Panic began to take over again as I heard the crowd above us cheer.

Rook cast a quick glance upwards then advanced on me. “Remember, to the hilt, yes?”

I nodded, and my breathing quickened. “I’m scared.”

“I know.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “But you’ll be alright.”

“Will you kiss me if I win?” I was desperate for anything. I needed something tangible to focus on, even if it was stupid and frivolous.

He gave me a crooked grin. “Yes, I will.” He gave my shoulder a squeeze, and then the guards ordered him to step back. “You’re Elara Osunon,” he said as he was escorted out, “slayer of griffins, remember that.”

I took a deep breath. Yes, I was. I could do this.

The guard escorted me down into a tunnel, a half rounded steel door at the end of it. The iron gate slammed shut behind me, and I was alone in the tunnel. I gripped Arankos in my hand, and took another deep breath.

The steel door raised upwards from the floor, disappearing into the wall, and all I could see was green, thick and lush. I advanced out of the tunnel, and was standing in a jungle. Fine mist rained down on my face, and the air was sticky, clinging to my cheeks.


I turned to the voice behind me, and saw Theron in the stands above. The crowd cheered wildly as he raised his arms. Rook stood beside him, his eyes fixed on me, his brow furrowed. He looked worried, but gave me a small smile, and a nod.

“Princess Elara!” Theron announced, beckoning for the teeming crowd to fall silent. “You have been given the chance to earn back your kingdom, piece by piece, and today is the first trial! Your target is at the end of this impressive arena, and you will need to pass the obstacles in place in order to reach it.”

“What is my target, Sire?” I asked.

The scream I heard made my blood run cold. Rook’s head jerked in its direction, and his mouth set in a hard line. He looked back at me, his brow furrowed.