“So you’d be sad then? If I died?”
“You know I would.” His brow furrowed for a moment. “You need to trust yourself. Don’t wallow in that head of yours. Don’t play over everything that can go wrong.”
I nodded. His finger was still resting against my cheek. “Did you mean it when you said you’d climb my tower again?”
He lowered his mouth a little. “I know what you’re asking me, and… and I-” He broke off, shaking his head. “It’s going to distract us right now. You have to fight that thing tomorrow, and I don’t want to see you get shredded.” His eyes gazed deeply into mine. “Right now you need to survive.Ineed you to survive, alright?”
I nodded. “Alright.” I wrapped my fingers around his under my chin. “Alright. Survive first. Fantastic ass later.”
He laughed, those dimples showing again. “That’s right.” He swept his fingers over his lips swiftly, so quickly the guards wouldn’t have noticed the kiss he placed on them, and stroked them over my cheek. “We’ll have time after all this, love. Go and rest. You need it.”
I watched Rook walk out of the training arena. “Your tattoo.” I called after him.
He stopped and turned back to look at me. “What about it?”
“What does it mean? What does the script say?”
He touched his hand to his lips then his forehead, then held it out as he bowed to me. “Heir to the Moon and Stars, princess.” He rose. “And yours?”
I tensed. How had he seen my tattoo? My cheeks burned as I remembered him pushing up my camisole after he’d accidentally cut me. He must have seen it then.
“I’ll tell you after the tournament.” I replied. “I’ll need to explain it to you, so I’ll have to show you.”
Rook laughed. “I look forward to it.” He turned and left the arena, his hulking back disappearing down the passageway.
My hand went to my sternum, where my etched tattoo of a rising sun hid beneath my clothing.
I’d been afraid I wouldn’t be able to sleep, the fear of the trial and the possibility of failure sure to keep me awake all night.
But, I had slept.
I knew I had, because the dreams of Rook’s lips tracing over my tattoo lingered on my skin as I opened my eyes. I stared at the ceiling as the sunlight began to change over me, and my fingers gripped into the sheets as the longing subsided.
I felt a pang as I thought of Keir. Keir, who I had loved so much, and mere weeks after his death I was dreaming of another man, wishing another man into my bed. I rolled on to my side. Nothing about this situation was normal. Nothing about what I felt or thought or wanted was normal anymore.
The door to Drusilla’s chamber opened, and she hurried in, my black leathers draped over her arm. “Time to rise, my lamb. I’ve had them make you a special breakfast to give you your strength today.”
“Thank you, Drusilla.” I said, sitting up in bed. “A good final meal, ey.”
Drusilla eyed me with alarm. “Now, don’t be saying things like that. It’s just a griffin, you can best it. They’re vicious creatures, but stupid. Throw a rock and it’ll chase it long enough for you to take its head off.”
“Fought many griffins in your time, have you, Drusilla?”
“I’m from Jerindos,” she replied, “that’s where the griffins come from. They used to chase us as children, through the fields. Had to be quick to get away from them, let me tell you.”
Rook had told me to be quick. I could move fast. I’d be able to do that.
There was a knock on the door, and Drusilla let in the kitchen maid, who carried the tray laden with steaming plates across the room. She deposited it on the table, and I noticed her red hair straying out from under her cap. Red hair, and big tits. The stab of jealousy I felt at that moment was so ridiculous it made my cheeks burn.
The kitchen maid gave me a quick curtsey. “Your breakfast, madam.”
I glared at her, and her brow furrowed a little before she quickly backed out of the room. Gods, I was a brat. But the thought that she’d had Rook and I was about to perhaps die and never have him made my toes curl with envy.
Drusilla frowned but said nothing as I moved from the bed to the table. “Now, eat up,” she said, “I know you probably don’t feel like it but you’ll need your -“ she paused as I began to shovel the food into my mouth. “Strength.”