I laughed. “You underestimate me.”

“Never.” He shook his head, pushing himself up into a sitting position, tilting his head as he smiled at me. “You’re a lot better at hand to hand combat than I gave you credit for.”

“Why thank you.” I pushed my hair out of my face, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. “You’re a lot easier to get on your back than I thought you’d be.”

Rook threw his head back and laughed out loud, gaining a surprised turning of heads from all the guards encircling the arena. Rook’s turquoise eyes were sparkling when they met mine.

“Maybe I should climb up that tower again, hmm?” He lowered his voice, leaning closer to me. “See how easily you get me on my back again.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Risky.”

He growled low in his throat, his eyes moving to my lips. “Worth it.”

“Rook!” Regan’s voice rang across the training arena, and we sprang to our feet as the spindly man made his way towards us. “I see training is going well?”

“Hand to hand combat, sir.” Rook said. “The princess felt it was an important skill.”

“Well, how lucky you were here to help her.” Regan shook his head. “The King made it clear that you aren’t to touch her.”

“Then the King doesn’t understand how combat training works.” I replied, and both men looked at me. “How is someone supposed to train with me and not touch me?”

Regan sighed, raising his shoulders theatrically with the breath, his skinny neck making him appear like a turtle retreating into its shell. “Your Highness, what I just saw was not training.”

“Then have someone else do it.” I said, crossing my arms over my chest, and Rook gave me a dismayed glance.

Regan’s eyes moved from Rook to me and back again. “Rook is the finest warrior we have, and Theron wants you well-prepared.”

“Then you all need to stop complaining. Now, if you don’t mind. I would like to resume my training.”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but Theron has requested your presence in the throne room.” Regan said. “He’s announcing the first trial.”

My stomach dropped, and sweat broke out over my palms. “Yes, of course.” I replied, my voice wavering. “Finally.” I tried to sound jovial, because part of me was in fact relieved. But terror clawed at the back of my throat. No, I could be brave. I wouldn’t let them see my fear.

My eyes met Rook’s and he nodded. He turned to pull on a linen shirt, and followed Regan and I out of the training arena. My head roared as we walked, and I started counting my breaths to try and keep my bearings.

Every step closer to that throne room became heavier. Became more drowned in dread. I began to lag back a little, wondering if I maybe stopped walking, everything would be alright. All of this would go away. I’d wake up in my room in Peyrus, and this would have all been a bad dream. My steps faltered.

Then Rook’s hand splayed gently across the small of my back. “Come on now, love.” He whispered, pressing me gently forward. “You can do this.”

Yes. I could. I squared my shoulders and kept walking, his hand staying on my back until we reached the doors of the throne room. It fell away as I stepped in, and I walked through the crowd of courtiers, the fucking courtiers who seemed to just stand in here all day with nothing else to do.

Theron sat on his black throne, an eagle perched on the armrest beside him. “You look well, Your Highness.”

I’d not seen him since he’d had Esther killed, and fury welled up inside me.

“Thank you, Sire.” I replied, keeping my hands at my sides.

“I’d heard you’d had some trouble sleeping?” He stroked the eagle’s feathered breast with the back of his finger. “I do hope that has been remedied.”

“It has, Your Majesty.” I didn’t want to talk to him. I just wanted to know what I had to do.

“Excellent, you’ll be needing your sleep.” Theron rose to his feet, offering his arm to the eagle, who opened his wings and fluttered, landing on the leather glove on his master’s arm. “I have decided on the first trial, dear one. Now, are you aware of the rather impressive arena we have for just such an event as this?”

“I’m not, Sire.” I replied. “Is it very large?”

“Oh, it is indeed.” Theron chortled. “We call it the Pit.”

“How creative.” The courtiers murmured amongst themselves at my insolence. I didn’t care. I wanted this over with.