Then he rose to his feet, lifted his ax, and lined it up with Esther’s neck. His mouth set in a hard line, and then he swung.

I didn’t hear the impact of the ax over my screams, and the tears in my eyes blurred what happened. But I saw the wild spurt of blood as Rook removed Esther’s head from her body, sending it rolling away from the oak tree round. I doubled over, the air draining from my lungs, my throat raw from screaming. Disbelief flooded me.

He’d killed her. He’d fucking killed her.

“I hope we all understand our positions now, Your Highness,” Theron said, his footsteps echoing across the now silent throne room. “I provided you with a partner to train with, and you violated my trust. You attempted to seduce my loyal servant and convince him to violate the Accord.”

“I didn’t,” I gasped. “I didn’t.”

“Silence!” His feet were right in front of me. “I know what I saw and I will not be made a fool of.” He seized my face in his hand, forcing me to look at him, to look into his evil cat eyes. “Now, hear me - you will be given the chance to save others you love, but one single discrepancy, one single fucking foot out of line, and I will lay waste to everything and everyone you hold dear, do you understand me?”

“Fuck you, Theron.”

He slapped me so hard my head snapped into the shoulder of the guard beside me, raw heat spreading across my cheek. I tasted blood, could feel it pooling in my cheek.

“Take her back to her room.” He said. “And she’s only to leave it to train for the tournament.”

I looked back across the room as I was hauled out, and Rook watched me mournfully, the ax in his hand dripping Esther’s blood to the floor.

* * *

“You don’t have to worry, you know.” Keir stroked my hair as my head lay on his chest.

“About what?” I asked.

“Me.” He smiled as I gazed up at him. “I’ll be alright.”

I nuzzled into him. “Are you sure?”

“You know me, jewel.” He kissed the top of my head. “I’m always fine. You go on ahead. You did always love the sunshine.”

When I looked up again, it was Rook’s chest I was lying on.

I started up in the bed, throwing my hands out.

I was alone in my room, the floor illuminated blue from the light of the full moon. The sheets around me were cold, the breeze blowing in through the open window carrying a scent of fresh grass and gardenias.

My nightshirt was sticking to my back, I was so bathed in sweat. Gods I was so fucking tired of this. I pressed my knuckles into the corners of my eyes, dashing away stinging tears.

I don’t want to dream of him, I told Lada.Why do you keep making me dream of him?

I clambered out of the bed and stumbled across the room to the window, gulping down the warm summer air. Only when my hands touched the frame did it occur to me that the window was open. These enormous windows, wide enough to fit a person.

The windows that were always latched at night. Always.

I spun around and a hand clapped over my mouth.

Rook’s features were illuminated by the moonlight, his eyes wide and urgent as he looked down at me.

“Shhhh.” He cocked his head, as though listening. I tried to push him away and he held my mouth tighter. “Shhh.” He hissed again. “Just stop it. You’ll wake your maid and then we’ll both be in trouble.” He raised his eyebrows. “Alright? You’ll be quiet?”

I gave a brief nod, and he moved his hand slowly from my mouth.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I had to come and see you, after what happened.” He shook his head, his brow furrowing. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I had no choice.”

I shoved him in the chest, and his hands seized my arms again. “Fuck you, Rook.”