“About what?” Theron asked.

“Her - her situation, Sire. It’s causing her some anxiety.”

Theron stopped in front of Rook and grinned. “Her situation?”

Rook’s shoulders tensed. “The - the loss of her betrothed.”

“Rook knows all about loss, princess.” Theron said, his green eyes moving to me. “He’ll no doubt tell you the story some time.” His gaze moved back to Rook. “Touch her like that again, and I’ll be out of an assassin, do you understand me?”

Rook’s eyes were looking over Theron’s head, his jaw set like a steel trap. He merely nodded, his fists balled at his side.

“I said, do you understand me?” Theron’s eyes flamed.

“I understand, Sire.”

“She’s. Not. For. You.” Theron snarled. “I won’t have her sullied by some fucking Night Demon.” He looked over at me, pleased to see me standing with my hands clutched to my mouth. “Now, Your Highness, perhaps you and your training partner would like to come into the Throne Room. I have an announcement that I’m sure you’ll both be very interested in.”



Rook and I looked out of place in the throne room, disheveled in our training clothes amongst the burgundy and black sea of courtiers. He and I stood side by side before the ebony throne, Theron watching us both with a predatory smile.

“Now, our esteemed royal guest has been here a number of weeks,” Theron said, “and I believe she has been training well alongside our very own Rook, is that not so?”

Rook shifted beside me. “Yes, Sire. She is fast, and strong. She is a fine warrior.”

“Excellent. I trust your judgment, my friend.” Theron rose to his feet. “Princess Elara, my people should be shown your skill. Indeed, if you can hold your own against my assassin, I believe you’ll provide an excellent spectacle.”

“Spectacle, Sire?” I asked, trying to keep my tone light.

“Yes, a spectacle, Princess.” Theron snapped his fingers, and a servant rushed forward. In his hands, he held a Peyrusian banner, the crest of my family emblazoned on it. A white iris in the beak of a Phoenix. And it was covered in blood. Theron took the banner from the servant, holding it out in his hands, his cat eyes positively gleaming as he cast his gaze to my face. “Now, Your Highness, I’d like you to tell me where this came from.”

“From my home.” Rook shifted beside me as I spoke, and he inched closer to me, only fractionally, so it was barely noticeable to anyone but me. “That is the banner of my people.”

“We got it from your throne room, in fact.” Theron said, his words dripping with delight. My lungs wouldn’t fill with air. Panic burned at the back of my eyeballs, sweat breaking out on my top lip.

“Is that so, Sire?” He’d stormed Peyrus. He’d destroyed it. The banner was covered in blood. Oh Gods, what had happened to my parents?

“It is indeed, dear one.” Theron replied. “Now, I would like to make you an offer. I would like you to partake in a series of games, for the amusement of my people, and for you to show off your formidable skills.”

“Forgive me, Sire, what kind of games?” I asked.

“Trials, I suppose you might call them.” Theron turned the banner over in his hands, inspecting the crimson stains. “A tournament, if you will. I will come up with a series of trials for you to complete, and since you are indeed so strong and fast, I’m sure it will not be a problem for you.”

“You said you would make me an offer, Your Majesty.” My fingernails were biting into the palm of my hand. “What would I receive in exchange for completing these trials?”

Theron tossed the banner at my feet. “The opportunity to save your kingdom, your home, piece by piece.” He snapped his fingers again, and two guards marched out of the throne room. He looked us both over as we all waited for what was coming, and he gave us an indulgent smile. “It was rather heartwarming to see you two embracing this afternoon. I was sure you’d have killed her by now, Rook. Seeing as you’ve had ample opportunity.”

“I wouldn’t do that, Your Majesty.” Rook replied.

“You wouldn’t kill your greatest enemy?”

Rook gave me a side glance. “The Princess isn’t my greatest enemy.”

“She’s the entire fucking reason you’re here!” Theron was almost gleeful as he said it.

My head snapped over to look at the demon beside me. “I’m what?”