“I’m tired, Sire.” My voice cracked as I said it. “I’m tired, and I was sure he’d end me. He’s so much stronger than me.”

Theron’s brow furrowed, and he nodded slowly. “Yes, he is, isn’t he? Although I’m told you threatened to kill him, and he also welcomed death.”

I blinked, shaking my head. “He-he was going to -“

“What?” Theron looked at me expectantly. “He was going to let you kill him?”


“But you were going to let him kill you?”

My head was starting to throb again. “No. I mean… No. I fought back.”

“Shall I tell you what the guards observed?”

“The guards?” My voice was failing me, faltering as fast as my resolve under his withering gaze.

“Yes, the guards.” His gaze darkened. “The guards told me they saw two warriors ready to tear each other limb from limb but neither took the chance when offered. This tells me you and Norahi know very well what you are doing down in that arena, that you are more than capable, and you are simply playing the part of the damsel in distress in order to gain my pity.”

“He tried to kill me!” Angry tears bit at my eyes as I took two stumbling steps towards him. “He was going to -“

“He wiped your tears from your face, madam. The guards told meeverything.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I’m told he dreams of you. And that you dream of him? Is that right?”

My cheeks burned as my eyes dropped to the floor. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

His footsteps thundered across the floor towards me, and his green cat eyes narrowed as he towered over me. “Do not lie to me. You said you dreamed of him, and he of you, is that so?”

“I dreamed he tried to kill me.” It wasn’t a lie. I had dreamed he’d torn my throat out… Hadn’t I? His teeth had been on my throat… He’d tried to kill me inthatdream. I clenched my eyes shut as I tried to remember. “I dreamed-”

“I don’t care,” Theron said, and I opened my eyes to meet his again. “Are you strong enough to face him again?”

My throat went dry. I didn’t want to admit any weakness. I didn’t want, under any circumstances, to let Rook know he’d won. That he’d scared me off. Because Theron clearly didn’t care enough about my life to ward off a demon who meant to end it. Of course he didn’t. I was a fucking fool.

When I didn’t respond, Theron lifted an eyebrow, turning away from me to walk over to a low, round upon which a chess set was laid out. He picked up the ivory Queen, turning the piece in his fingers. “Do you play, madam?”

“I do.” When his eyes flickered to mine, I cleared my throat. “I mean, I do, Sire.”

“Then you know how games are played. If you do not guard yourself, and do not put the pieces into motion, then you give your enemy an in.” He put the Queen down in the center of the board and turned back to face me. “If you tell me you are too weak to face Norahi, then I will find you another guard to fight. And I will be sure to let Norahi know that within these walls, there is a little Fae Princess whose fear makes her an easy target for his rage.” He blindly reached behind him, and flicked the ivory Queen to the floor, where the piece rolled in aimless circles. “Or…” He walked towards me, cocking his head. “You face Norahi in that arena, and continue to show him that you are not afraid of him, and allow him to prepare you for what lies ahead. Because believe me, dear one, he is the least of your worries right now.”

I took in a shuddering breath, my hands clasped so hard my fingertips were going numb. “Are you threatening me, Sire?”

He gave me a crooked smile. “Oh no, I would never dream of it. I am merelychallengingyou. Are you up for it?”

The chess piece came to a stop against the leg of a chair. I looked at it, lying on its side, unmoving. This was a game to him. Nothing more than a game. I needed to guard myself before one of his pieces charged across the board and claimed me.

I squared my shoulders, looking him in the eye. “I am, Sire. Forgive my intrusion.”

The corner of his mouth quirked, and he was clearly proud of himself. “Always a pleasure to see you, madam.”

I bowed my head, and turned to walk out of the library.

“Do let me know how training goes!” Theron called after me, and I took a deep breath as I thought of facing Rook in that arena again.

* * *

He groaned underneath me. “That’s my girl. Fuck, that’s it.”

I rode him harder, my climax building so intensely it almost hurt. “Rook, I’m going to -“