“You’re especially slow today,” she said with a sneer, “too much ale at the tavern last night?”

I laughed as we circled each other, her cheeks flushed. “I spent the night in the arms of a rather pleasing maiden if you must know.”

“Let me guess.” More clashing of the ax and the sword, more sparks. “A redhead with big tits?”

“It's always a redhead with big tits.” I grinned, baring my teeth. “Jealous, little Fae?”

She scoffed. “Of what?”

I rushed at her, locking her sword against the handle of my ax with the curved underside of one of my blades. Her eyes were wide and full of fury as she stared up at me. “Of the fair maiden who knew my cock, of course.”

“You’re a pig.” She let her hand fall from the sword so it dropped beneath my blade, and swiftly grabbed it again with her other hand. “I would onlypityher.”

“Pity her?” I threw my ax back and forth between my hands. “She was making sounds you could only dream of making.”

That hit a nerve. With a loud cry, she launched herself at me, and I was a little surprised at the height she gained. Her speed gave her leverage that my cloudy head wasn’t prepared for, and the arc of her sword sent me stumbling. I laughed as I righted myself, meeting those furious blue eyes.

“What’s wrong, princess?” I spun the haft in my hand. “That little Fae cunt of yours in need, is it?”

“Certainly not.”

The sounds of our weapons clashing drowned out her words, but then we were face to face again, and I heard her very clearly.

“Mycuntwould never have need of a depraved cock like yours.”

“It’s probably worn out from servicing all your kinsmen in camp.”

She pushed back against me, but with a sharp jolt of my ax I’d torn the sword from her hand. I swung the haft around her, and yanked her back against me. She flailed against the pressure on her throat, choking and garbling incoherently.

“What was that, little Fae?” I pressed harder and her ribcage contracted as she gasped for air. “Oh, you want me to let you go?”

She drove a booted heel into my shin, but I held fast. She stomped on my foot, and I gritted my teeth, but did not let go. I was going to squeeze the fucking life from her. A few of the guards eyed me with alarm, and a few began to move forward.

“You fucking little witch,” I hissed in her ear. “You’ll have no hold over me anymore.”

She jerked her head back, and hit me square in the nose. I staggered, releasing my grip enough for her to drop down into a lunge, and she scrambled for her sword. I could taste blood as I went after her, grabbing her by the ankle and pulling her back towards me.

“Let me go!” She spun onto her back, trying to kick me with her other foot, but I kneeled down on her leg, and she let out a howl of pain. “You’re hurting me!”

“Good!” I crawled over her, curling my hand around her throat and slamming her head into the ground. Her face went slack for a moment, her eyes unfocused as she looked up at me. “And what now, princess?” Blood was dripping from my nose onto her pale skin. “Are you ready to die? Because I’m going to kill you.”

Her eyes fluttered closed, her breathing shallow. She squirmed a little under me, her hips pressing against me as she tried to move. “Is that so?”

Her words had me instantly release the pressure on her throat. Suddenly, all I could feel was the warmth of her breath on me, the feeling of her skin, and that fucking humming in my chest. I stared down at her, and when her eyes opened, she looked at me with confusion.

“I thought you were going to kill me,” she said weakly. And then a tear rolled down the side of her face. She closed her eyes again and sighed heavily, making a sound almost like a sob. “Just do it.”

“You’re going to give up that easily, are you?” I wanted to taunt her. I wanted to sneer at her. I wanted to beat the shit out of her. But then another tear rolled from between her lashes, and Gods if I didn’t reach out with my thumb and wipe it away.

She jerked at the touch, her eyes flying open, filled with fear. She wriggled underneath me, bucking me off with her hips. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she said, trying to turn onto her stomach, trying to escape me. I rose to my knees, letting her go. She scrambled for her sword and then she was on her feet. She held the sword out towards me, her hand shaking. “Don’tevertouch me.”

“Why would I want to?” I eyed the gleaming blade. “Are you going to kill me now?”

“Yes.” Her shoulders were heaving.

“Well, go on then.”

She dashed the back of her hand across her eyes, sniffling as she held the trembling blade out in front of her. “I fucking hate you.”