“Bigger than you expected?” I murmured into her neck.

“I don’t think you can fit,” she panted, wriggling her hips.

“We’ll make it fit, sweetheart, don’t you worry.” I spat in my hand, rubbing it along my length as she watched with raised eyebrows. I gripped her hips, guiding her on top of me. We both moaned as she rolled her hips, once, then twice, before I was seated fully inside her.

She let out a little squeak, her body not ready for my size. Her eyes rolled back, fluttering shut as she moved slowly, grinding herself up and down. I hissed in a breath through gritted teeth. I needed more, I needed her to ride me hard. I needed release,now.

“Oh gods, oh fuckinggods. The girls were right.” She lifted her hips, rocking herself on me, stroking my throbbing cock with her hot cunt. “They said… They said your cock was special.”

“Oh, it’s very special,” I said, leaning back to watch her fuck me. “It’s made just for filthy girls like you. Just so you can rub this slippery cunt up and down me to make yourself scream.”

My words had her gasping, riding me harder. Those enormous tits were bouncing in my face, and I seized her nipples between my fingers. I pinched hard, earning me another surprised little squeak and a clench of her cunt which nearly dragged me over the edge.

I tipped my head back against the wall, feeling myself rise. There was raucous laughter nearby, but I didn’t care, and Ivy didn’t stop. This wouldn’t be the first time someone had seen me openly violate the Accord. Let them tell Theron. He didn’t give a shit.

Ivy whimpered, pounding herself down on to me, becoming tighter as she neared her climax. I closed my eyes, surrendering to the feeling and aching for release.

“It’s happening.” She gripped onto my shoulders. “Oh fuck it’s -” She broke off in a strangled moan, pulsating around my cock as I gritted out a groan. The rush of relief as I spilled inside her left me breathless for a moment, and I looked up at her with a satisfied grin that she matched.

She shifted her head, tipping it to the side as she laughed and for a split second, her hair was back-lit, glowing like a golden halo. And then all I could see was Elara, all I could smell was her sweat as she collapsed against me.

“Oh Gods,” she sighed, and it washer fucking voice.

I grabbed Ivy’s arms and pulled her back up, staring into a confused set of amber coloured eyes. “Is something wrong?” She asked me, frowning.

I didn’t know what to say. This was supposed to make me feel better. This was supposed torelievemy fucking tension. Instead, I was growing hard again as the image of the Peyrusian Princess, perched on top of me in a wench’s dress with her breasts exposed, swam before me.

Fucking Gods, why are you cursing me like this?

Ivy looked down at my cock and let out a disbelieving giggle. “You Night Demons really do have an appetite, don’t you?”

I hurriedly tucked myself away, pushing her off me. She yelped as she tumbled onto the wooden bench, sending curses at my back as I strode out of the tavern, into the humid night. Rain had started to fall, the unpaved road beneath my feet turning sodden, the smell of mud rising to meet me.

“Norahi!” One of the guards barked at me as I walked into the Palace. When I ignored him and kept moving, he was at my back poking me with a spear. “You were told to stay put.”

I spun on him, tearing the spear from his hand easily, snapping it over my knee, and throwing the pieces down at his feet. “Fuck off if you know what’s good for you.” He didn’t follow me as I went back into my room.

I wanted to get drunk. I wanted this strange feeling in my chest to go away. I wanted to ensure I didn’t fucking dream of her. I decided there and then that I’d kill her in the training arena the next time I saw her. I didn’t care what Theron had planned for her. I didn’t care that she was a princess. She was a witch, invading my dreams, stealing my fucking soul, and I would make sure she’d stop.

And, of course, that night I dreamed of her. Of her riding me, of me gripping her hips as I whispered in her ear,You take me so fucking well, princess.And she didn’t even care that we were in a crowded tavern while it happened.

* * *

I felt groggy in the training arena the next day, the sunlight stinging my eyes. The foulest mood had overtaken me and when I heard footsteps behind me, I gripped my ax in my hand. Ready to end it. Ready to end this fucking torment.

When I turned to face her, she was already armed, a long sword in her right hand.

And she was fucking glaring at me.

“Morning.” I said.

“An astute observation.” She lifted an eyebrow.

I nodded down towards the sword. “Came prepared today, did we?”

She brandished the weapon, the sunlight catching its gleaming blade. “I did.”

“Too bad it won’t do you much good.” I lunged at her, sparks flying as my ax ran the length of her blade. She spun the sword in her hand, deflecting my ax, striking me back when I tried to advance on her.