Page 128 of A Realm of Dark Fury

Sure enough, I heard Theron’s voice a minute later, and realized then that my heart wasn’t only pounding because of my activities with Rook. Theron had nearly caught us. We had become too reckless. My freedom still wasn’t guaranteed. We had to be careful.

I pulled the green dress on, and quickly ran a brush through my hair, hoping I did not look too wild. I cast a glance into the mirror, at my shuddering chest and my rosy cheeks. I took a deep breath, willing myself to calm down, and pushed through the door back into the chamber.

Rook gave me a smile as I emerged, and Theron regarded me with a look that caught me off guard at first.

“Your Highness,” he said, bowing his head. Oh Gods. What the fuck was this? He was speaking to me reverently, almost sheepishly, his wings drawn close to his back.

My eyes moved to Rook, my eyebrows raised questioningly. He shrugged lightly and leaned back against the window frame, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Your Majesty,” I said slowly, looking back at Theron. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

He straightened and smiled. “I wanted to congratulate you on your spectacular triumph in the Pit.” He exhaled through pursed lips, shaking his head. “I never should have doubted you, not for a moment. The finest Seraph warriors have fallen at the hands of a giant, and yet you defeated one, alone, and injured. You are truly a marvel, Elara.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” I gave him a brief nod. “You are too kind.”

Theron took a step towards me, almost hesitating. He clasped his hands before him, and sighed. “I do hope you will accept my admiration, and my friendship.”

“Your friendship?” I didn’t know where to look.

“Indeed.” Another step towards me, his stance still one of hesitation. “I see now there is nothing for me to gain here. You have told me what you seek, and what you will not accept.”

My heart began to hammer against my ribcage again, so violently it threatened to jerk me off my feet. “Your Majesty, do you mean…?” I trailed off, the question hanging thickly in the air.

Theron smiled amicably. “Once you are recovered, and able to travel, we will negotiate your release, dear one.”

If it hadn’t been for Rook’s low chuckle from the window, I would have thought I was dreaming. I would have asked him to repeat himself. How many months had I been here? Had it only been months? The relief that flooded me was so encompassing I felt faint.

“My release?” I asked, unable to stop myself smiling.

“Your release.” Theron nodded on a heavy exhale, his eyes kind as he smiled at me. “I know when I have won, and when I have lost, Elara.”

I couldn’t help but gaze over at Rook. “Your Majesty, there is something I would wish to discuss with you. I don’t know what I can say to convince you, but-”

“In time,” Theron interjected, nodding. His eyes moved to Rook. “I will do all I can to ensure that what has been brought together shall not be torn apart.”

Rook’s face betrayed every emotion he did not verbalize, and he merely nodded, his arms staying firmly across his chest. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” Even these words caught in his throat, and I felt his own relief, coupled with intense disbelief, washing over my shoulders like a waterfall.

Theron’s smile landed back on me. “Now, my dear, the healers will see to you to ensure you make a full recovery, and then we will speak.” He moved closer to me, and held out his hand. I took it hesitantly, and he raised it to his lips. “All will be well, Elara.”

With a final nod, he left the room. The door fell closed, as though in slow motion. When it finally landed in the frame, Rook and I turned to stare at each other. I don’t know how many breaths and heartbeats passed before we finally stumbled into each other’s arms, laughing through our tears.

Rook cradled my face in his hands. “You’re extraordinary,” he said, smiling widely, “my love, my bonded.” He kissed me, our tears mingling on our lips. “Sun of my life.”

“We’re going to be free.” I clasped on to his hands. “I told you. I told you I wasn’t leaving you here.”

“You did, my love, you did.” He drew me close to him, and I nuzzled into his chest. “I didn’t doubt you, not for a moment.”


He chuckled, putting a finger under my chin and gazing down at me. “You’re going to love Isambard.”

“Of course I will. It is our home. I don’t even know it, and yet I know I will love it.” I stroked his cheek. “Because it is a part of you.”

He broke into yet another smile, those dimples showing either side of his perfect mouth. “Yes, my love. It is. A part of us.” As he kissed me, the door opened, and I heard Drusilla tutting.

“And now they’re kissing, my word, I just don’t know.”

I turned to her with a smile. “He is letting us go,” I told her tearfully, Rook pressing a kiss to my temple. “Theron, he was just here. He told us he would negotiate my-” My eyes snapped up to Rook’s, and I laughed breathlessly. “Ourrelease. He would discuss our release.”