Page 115 of A Realm of Dark Fury

“How was training today?” He asked once Rook and I were standing before him.

“I’m hardly training her.” Rook gave me a brief sideways glance. “She’s a fierce warrior.”

“Yes, anyone who has watched her in the Pit would know that is the case,” Theron said admiringly. But his eyes betrayed something else as he looked at me - he was angry. He appeared almost unhinged. His gaze moved back to Rook. “Do you trust the Princess, Rook?”

Rook shifted on his feet, clearly surprised by the question. “I beg your pardon, Sire?”

“It’s a simple enough question, Rook.” Theron sounded almost irritated. “I asked if you trust the Princess.”

“I do,” Rook replied. “Of course I do.”

“With your life?” Theron asked.

Rook nodded. “Certainly.”

Theron raised his eyebrows. “And the lives of others?”

“Yes.” Rook’s voice boomed off the stone walls around us.

“Even though that poor child died at her hands?” Theron’s lips pulled into a sneer. “You would trust her with another’s life even in the light of that failure?”

Rook’s hands flexed behind his back as he rolled his shoulders. “When faced with the impossible, it is not a failure not to deliver, Sire.”

My chest was so taut with panic I didn’t know where to look. My legs felt like jelly underneath me as I tried to suppress the image of that small child dying under that iron door.

Theron’s laugh echoed around us. “I admire you, Rook,” he said, rising to his feet. “Your faith in Elara is truly remarkable.” His eyes moved to me. “It must be so heartening, dear one, to have the faith and trust of your training partner.”

“It is.” I choked the words out, trying to ignore the roaring in my ears.

“Even one who you were sure was determined to kill you not so long ago. How quickly things can change.”

I tried to swallow but it was as though my throat was swollen shut. “Indeed.”

“It would be such a shame to lose that trust, would it not?” Theron asked, a sickening grin spreading across his face. “I ask you again, Rook, would you trust Elara with the lives of others?”

“Yes, without hesitation.”

Theron nodded. “Good, then we shall test that theory. Bring her in!” He called to the guards at the far end of the throne room who hurried out of the oak doors.

Rook and I turned to look at each other, and I felt sure I was about to faint.

“It’s alright,” he whispered.

The guards came back in, and I heard Rook’s sharp intake of breath.

“Oh Gods,” he murmured.

I watched as the guards hauled in a girl, surely not older than 16, with long curly black hair. Her skin was deep brown and smooth, just like… just like….

“Nesryn,” Rook gasped.

The girl’s eyes widened as they settled on Rook, and she began to sob. “Rook!” She struggled against the hands of the guards. “Rook!”

“Sire, please,” Rook said, turning to Theron and taking two steps towards him. “She is just a girl. She has nothing to do with this.”

“I thought you trusted Elara?” Theron shrugged. “What difference is it if it’s your sister in the Pit? If the princess is indeed such a force to be reckoned with, then your sister will be just fine. ” He waved his hands, and the guards let Nesryn go.

Rook rushed to her side, taking her in his arms. “Oh Gods, Nesryn, are you alright?”