“Yes I know, I saw the mark. But why would Theron have such a dangerous creature here?”

“Dangerous? Rook?” Drusilla laughed and gave me an indulgent look. “Dangerous like the Malakh you mean?”

My cheeks flushed with shame. “You mean to say - those stories, they’re all-”

“Lies?” Drusilla nodded emphatically. “My lamb, you are young, and you’ve been hidden away in Peyrus all your life. Now, that’s not to say that the stories you’ve heard about all the truly terrifying creatures in this kingdom haven’t been believed by others too.” She gave her shoulders a shake and clicked her tongue. “But much like the Malakh were villainized, so too were the Night Demons. But I can assure you, those monstrous tales were borne of nothing but jealousy and ignorance.”

I dipped my head. “I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize to me, Elara. As I said, you are not the only one who believed it.” Drusilla shook her head, gazing out the window at the deep pink and purple sunset. “The uproar amongst the courtiers and the maids was enormous the day they dragged Rook in here.”

Dragged?I quashed the question, the image of Rook being dragged into Veles in chains. It was too awful to contemplate. “So what was Theron’s motivation? Did he merely want Rook’s strength for himself?”

Drusilla sighed. “Rook is a strong warrior, and has served Theron well. But it’s much more than that, my lamb. After the Uprising, Theron demanded a life from each of the royal houses that he deposed, but not just any life. He demanded their heirs.”

Bile rose in my throat at the thought of what this decree would have meant for me. Five years ago, my parents had saved me from slavery. And this also meant -oh Gods. Rook wasn’t just a Night Demon.

He was their fucking Prince.

“Rook quickly became a favorite of Theron’s though,” Drusilla went on, “he’s loyal and strong, Theron trusts him completely. And he’s never been any sort of trouble. In fact…” Her voice broke off into a low chuckle and her cheeks flushed a little. “I mean, I know the Accord doesn’t allow it, but…”

“What’s the Accord?”

“It’s the restrictions the Night Demons were placed under after the Uprising,” Drusilla explained, pouring me another cup of tea. “Theron placed them under something called The Accord. They’re not allowed to leave Isambard, they’re not allowed to fly, they’re not allowed to breed -”

“Not allowed tobreed?” My eyebrows shot up in shock. “You mean… you mean, they’re not allowed to - to -” I couldn’t speak it out. The very idea was so barbaric.

“They’re not allowed to… go to bed with another, no.” Drusilla said carefully, pursing her lips as she gave me a meaningful glance. “Theron didn’t want to risk the continuation of the race. But…” She chuckled. “Rook doesn’t always pay attention to that.”

I felt a violent flush rise in my cheeks. “You mean, he - he takes people to bed?”

Drusilla nodded, covering her mouth to hide her grin. “I’ve heard some very interesting whisperings about his skills in the kitchens, let me tell you.”

I shifted in my chair. I wanted to scold her for talking about something so depraved, so incredibly intimate, something illegal, as it was… And I was also ashamed of the curiosity that coursed through me. Why was I so fucking nosy? Why did I care that this blood-soaked brute took females to bed?

“His skills?” My voice had dropped to a low whisper.

Drusilla giggled. “Oh Your Highness, I do apologize. I shouldn’t discuss such things with a young maid like you.”

A maid. Well, she wasn’t entirely wrong. Keir and I had engaged in plenty of fumblings, plenty of touching, some caressing and moaning, but never actually done… that. I wasn’t sure why now. What had we been waiting for? I leaned back in my chair with a sigh.

“Have I upset you, my lamb?” Drusilla asked.

I shook my head. “No, not at all.” I hesitated, measuring my next words. “What is Rook like? The King wants him to train with me, and I’d like to know what I’m getting myself into.”

Drusilla puffed out a breath, her eyes rolling to the ceiling pensively. “Well now, I suppose he’s a quiet kind of person. He keeps to himself, always watching from the shadows. But he’s not cruel, or vicious, from what I understand.”

“He doesn’t seem to like me much.” I mused. “He called me a bitch and spat at my feet.”

Drusilla choked on her tea, her eyes wide as she spluttered. “He didn’t!”

I nodded. “Oh he did.”

“And Theron wants to send you into the training ring with him?” Drusilla tutted her disapproval. “Anger and weapons, that’s a bad combination. And you’re so much smaller than him!”

I chuckled. “I can best him.” I couldn’t, Gods did I know I couldn’t. The only advantage I’d have over Rook was speed.

Drusilla shook her head, and smiled. “I suppose I had best get your leathers ready for tomorrow then, hadn’t I?”