Page 102 of A Realm of Dark Fury

I frowned. “About what?”

“You, and me.” She lowered her eyes. “I’m a Fae, how would the Night Demons feel about their prince having me as his Bonded?”

I rolled her swiftly onto her back, kissing her with a deep, searing kiss. A mark on her mouth, on her tongue. “They would love you. Because you are a part of me, and you make me happier than I could have ever conceived of being.” I traced my fingers along her jawline, along the scar that had faded to a blushing pink now. “Not all parents are like yours. My father would welcome you with open arms.”

She nodded, leaning into the touch of my hand with a small sigh. “I hope so.”

“I know so. I have a little sister, Nesryn, and gods she’d be thrilled having you around.”

Elara smiled shyly. “I always wanted a little sister.”

“Come on,” I said, pulling her to her feet. “Let’s go and cool off in the water.”

We splashed through the shallows, walking down the stream until we came to a deeper pool surrounded by tiny waterfalls that babbled as they spilled over the smooth gray stones. I sat with my back against one, and Elara placed herself in my lap, leaning back against my chest.

“And what about you?” I asked, pushing her hair aside so I could stroke her neck. “What do you miss most about Peyrus?”

She was quiet for a moment, turning her head to lean it against my shoulder. “The forest. On a misty day, the trees would look almost black. I’d go for walks, and it was as though I was the last creature on earth. The mist swallowed all sound, all light. It was like it was just me.” She laughed bitterly. “I had no idea then how true that would be.”

“What do you mean, my love?”

She sniffled a little, shifting in my lap. “All my kin are dead. My parents are who knows where. I’m unlikely to ever have a child. I am quite possibly the last of my kind. I’m alone now.”

I tilted her head up with my fingers, meeting her eyes. “You are never alone. Never. We will watch this world burn together if we must, it can all fall apart around us. But you will never be alone.”

She brought her lips to mine. “Thank you.”

“I love you, princess. With every part of me. Forever.”

She turned around in my arms to wrap herself around me. I ran my cooled hands up and down her back, and she melted against me.

“Are you ever going to tell me you love me?”

She pulled back suddenly, and she looked hurt. “You know I do.”

“But why won’t you say it?” I regretted bringing it up instantly. It didn’t matter. She was right. I knew it. “I’m sorry, but I just want to understand why.”

“Because it’s a farewell.” Her lip trembled a little, her gaze dropping from mine. “It’s nothing but a goodbye. No one has ever told me they loved me except in farewell. Keir said it when he was called to battle, and again as he died. My parentsneversaid it. And I don’t - I don’t want -“

She paddled through the water, away from me, and I heard a sob tear from her.Fucking fool. I cursed myself silently.

“Elara, wait.” I moved through the water after her, reaching her quickly and pinning her against a towering boulder.

“Let me go, Rook.” She dug her chin determinedly into her shoulder, refusing to look at me.

“I’m sorry, my love. It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter,” she snapped. “It does matter, because otherwise you wouldn’t say it. I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry I’m so broken. I’m sorry I can’t-“

I cut her off with a kiss, forcing my tongue against the edge of her lips. She flailed against me, slapping my chest and trying to free her mouth from mine.

“No, Rook.” She pushed back, still not looking at me. “It matters to you, and I can’t give you what you want.”

“And what am I supposed to say?” I framed her chin with my hand, forcing her to look at me. Her eyes were full of sadness and fury, a dull fire that roiled away in those soft blue depths. “You sit here, saying you’ll never be able to have a child, and why is that? Because you’re bonded to a cursed demon.”

Her eyes widened. “I never said that.”

“You don’t have to.” Hopelessness crashed through me. I’d not given any thought to it, not until now. Not until she’d said those words. Not until we’d discussed my son the day before. My eyes dropped to her belly, and I clenched my jaw against the draining ache. “I want a child. I want a child withyouone day. I want to be a father. And I know you want to be a mother. And this curse, this fuckingcurseon my arm, all ofthis-” I gestured around us with an angry hand before meeting her eyes again. “It means we’ll never have that. You’ll never feel safe enough to tell me you love me, to speak openly and freely. We’ve had to sneak away just so we can fuck without smothering our faces in pillows, for fuck’s sake.” I ran my hands through the water, turning away from her and heading back to the banks of the stream.