Since Letty has an accounting degree, she takes care of the business side while I use my fashion merchandising background to run the buying side. Skylar invested her inheritance in the boutique.

Our youngest sister had planned to only help with staffing while she takes online classes to finish her marketing degree, but Letty’s new relationship changed things. Sky cut her online class schedule a little so she could step up and help me with the store. Plus, we’ve hired three part-time employees to help pick up the slack.

“I know.” I sit next to my sister and reach for a slice of our double pepperoni, extra cheese pizza. “We might have to hire another part-time employee.”

“Let’s see how things go after the Christmas season is over.” Skye sits back and stares at me with a raised eyebrow. “Now, tell me what really happened with the hottie across the street.”

“Nothing,” I lie. Something big happened, and I’m terrified talking about it will make it even more real. How do I admit that the Scrooge living across the street made my heart flutter in a crazy, unbelievable way?I don’t, is the answer. I ignore it and hope it goes away.



Over the next week,I see Jazzy in passing, but she always manages to avoid me. Like the goddamn plague. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I breathe easier each time I get a little glimpse of her.

I go to bed every night thinking about her and wake up each morning hot and horny from the steamy dreams of her that tortured my sleep all night long.

She’s on my mind every single second of the day, but I’ve been too fucking busy to push the issue with her. It kills me to wait, but I don’t want to make any more mistakes with my girl since I plan to keep her. Forever.

The remodeling on my store is done, and the inventory started arriving yesterday. We only have three weeks before the grand opening, so things are crazy.

Once I get everything under control at The Golden Goal, I’m going to put all my effort into winning over my girl before I lose my goddamn mind.

I pull up and park behind the shopping center. I’m heading to the back entrance of The Golden Goal when I glance over to the sidewalk and a flash of honey catches my eye.

Fucking hell. I get a brief look at the woman’s curvy hips and silky legs and know instantly it’s my baby doll. What the hell? I jog over to the front of the building and look around the corner in time to see her disappear into Curvology, the boutique two doors down from my store.

Before I’m able to stop myself, I walk up to the glass door. I see Skye standing at a rack steaming long dresses and pull the door open. As I step into Curvology, the bell over the door rings and Skye spins around. Her mouth makes a perfect O as she stares back at me.

“Hello.” She smiles and hangs the wand up. “Will, right?” she asks, and I nod my head. “May I help you with something?”

“I saw Jazzy come in here.” Now, I sound like a goddamn stalker, but I don’t care.

“She’s in the back. I can get her if you want?”

“Thank you.” I’m on my best behavior since I don’t want to make any more costly mistakes with my girl. “I’d like to talk to her for a minute.” To convince her to give me a chance.

Skye opens one of the white French doors and calls, “Jasmine, you have a visitor.” One more piece of info about my girl.

“Who?” My pulse accelerates while my cock turns rock-hard as she steps through the door.

“Me.” I step forward and smile at her. “I was heading to work when I saw you walk in here. I thought I’d stop in and say hi.” My heart squeezes in my chest at the look of horror written across her gorgeous face.

“Work? Where do you work?” Her deer-in-the-headlights look tells me she isn’t happy to see me. I guess I’ll have to work overtime to win her heart.

“I’m opening The Golden Goal a few doors down.” I point toward my store where I should be working my ass off, but my baby doll is more important than opening on time.

Her eyes grow wide. “You have to be kidding?” She glances over at her sister. “You’re the new store owner?” The town grapevine fell down on its duties. I thought everyone in town already knew about me buying the old hardware store to turn it into a sporting goods megastore.

When I started making plans to move here, Garrett warned me how effective the gossip in this small town is.

“I am.” And I’m thanking my lucky stars right this second. “It looks like we’re neighbors at home and work.”

The frown lines running between her eyebrows tell me she isn’t thrilled with this development.Soon, baby doll, I’ll win you over. I step close to her and take one of her soft hands in mine. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish as I bring it to my lips for a light kiss.

I know I’m in so fucking much trouble here when my lips tingle from the brief touch.

“Lucky freaking me,” she mutters under her breath and steps back when a door opens behind us. I take several deep breaths, attempting to get my hard cock under control while she turns to talk to the white-haired woman stepping out of the fitting room. “Aunt Ophelia, how did that dress work?” Why does that name sound familiar?