“What do you need Lex to do?”

“I require his legal expertise. We need a judge to marry us.”

That gets some action. Within two hours, my sisters are at my bedside fussing over my hair while Will’s brothers get him prepared.

The doctor came in a few minutes ago and did a quick ultrasound to soothe my nerves. I almost cried from relief when he informed me our little one looks perfect.

“I can’t believe you’re going to have big ole raccoon eyes for your wedding pictures,” Skye groans and looks over my head at Letty. “At least, she let us work on the bad case of bedhead she has going.”

“Are you girls ready?” Lex sticks his head in the door. “I’m not going to be able to hold this asshole back much longer.”

“I think we’ve done as much damage control as we can.” Letty smiles back at her husband.

Lex pulls the curtain back all the way, and Will comes rushing over to the bed. He definitely looks much better than me.

He’s corralled his dark, slightly wet hair into place and is wearing a dark gray suit that emphasizes his muscular frame. His two brothers follow him in and stand across the bed from us.

“I love you.” He leans over and places a soft kiss on the only non-bruised spot on my forehead.

“I love you, too.”

I smile up at him as Lex clears his throat. “You can do all that mushy stuff after I do my thing.”

“Then hurry up and get to your thing,” Will grumbles back.

It only takes a few minutes for Lex to do his trick and pronounce us man and wife. “Now, you can do your thing.” He smirks at Will as my caveman leans over and softly kisses my lips while everyone else quietly leaves the room.

“I love you, Mr. McScroogie.” I smile against Will’s warm lips.

“I love you, too, Mrs. McScroogie.” He gently sits next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Is this okay?”

“It’s perfect.” I lean against his hard body as happiness flows through me. It’s not how I always pictured my wedding, but I couldn’t have asked for a better day or a more perfect husband.




I’m sittingat my desk working on next month’s schedule while my three employees staff the busy store. When my cell phone rings, I look down and see my wife’s smiling face flash across the screen.

“Hello, baby doll.”

“Don’t baby doll me.” Uh-oh. “This is all your fault.”

“What is Trace doing now?” I sit back and sigh. Our son started the terrible twos at sixteen months old and hasn’t outgrown it yet, a year and a half later.

Keeping him out of trouble is a full-time job, which is why we waited a full three years before trying for another child. For the last four months, I’ve been putting in overtime trying to knock her up, but it hasn’t happened so far.

“He’s been a little angel all day long.” I frown, trying to keep up with the crazy conversation.

“I think I’ve missed something.”

My wife sighs. “So have I.” I blink several times, attempting to decipher her meaning. “So come home and I can try out my brand-new pregnancy hormones on you before the puking starts in a few weeks.” Oh, hell fucking yes. I fist-pump the air. My swimmers finally did their jobs.

Anticipation cuts through me as visions of my gorgeous naked wife flash through my mind. “I’m turning off the computer now.”

“I love you, McScroogie.”

“I love you, too, baby doll.” I grab my keys off the desk while trying to come up with a valid excuse to tell my employees. “Go put the little tyrant down for a nap and I’ll be home in fifteen minutes.”

“I already did. Now, hurry up.”

She doesn’t have to ask me twice.