“Thank you for the flowers.” I drop onto the sofa, and Roger hisses at having his nap interrupted.

“You’re welcome. What are your plans for today?”

“I’m hanging out with Roger and catching up on my favorite show.” I lean back and stare at the twinkling red, blue, and green lights on the tree. So, sue us, we put the freaking tree up a few weeks before Thanksgiving. Working in retail tends to make the holidays fly by, and we didn’t want to forget until the week of Christmas like we did last year. “He’s feeling neglected, so I’m going to give him a little extra petting today.”

“I’m jealous of Roger. I’d kill to have you give me a little extra petting.” His voice drops a few octaves, causing me to squirm on the sofa as dirty fantasies zip through my mind.

“Uh…” There goes that tongue-tied sensation again. It’s like my mouth and brain can’t function together anytime Will is around.

“Maybe soon.” He laughs and I hear him talking to someone in the background. My face heats when I realize someone else heard his racy comments. “I have to get back to work, baby doll.”

“And I have petting to do.” I can’t help myself.

“Save a little of that for me. Are you up to another movie night?”

“I’d love to have another date.” All my resistance fades away, and I realize I’ve been acting like a ninny-poo trying to fight the pull between us. It’s time for me to pull up my big girl panties and jump in with both feet. Or maybe I’ll drop my panties instead.

“Then I’ll see you around six o’clock.”

“Yes, you will.”

After I hang up the phone, I sit back and plan my attack. So far, Will has been putting in all the effort. It’s time for me to reciprocate.

I know the perfect little dress for what I have planned for my caveman. Without giving myself a chance to change my mind, I dial Skye’s number.

“Hello,” she answers. “Are you up already?”

“Roger decided to sit in the middle of my room and howl at the top of his lungs until I got up.”

“Ouch.” My younger sister laughs. “I’d have a Maine Coon coat right now if he did that to me.”

“Uh-huh.” We both know he’s spoiled rotten because she treats him like a freaking baby. “I actually called because I need a favor.”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“You know the black silk dress with silk cutouts we got in last week?” We all drooled over the gorgeous garment.

“You go, girl.” My sister whistles. “You’re going to knock McScroogie’s socks off with that dress.”

“I’m actually hoping to knock his pants off,” slips out before I’m able to stop the words.

“La-la-la-la,” she sings loudly in my ear. “I’m too young to hear stuff like that.”

“Will you bring me the dress?” I need to get off the phone and put my plans into action.

“Of course. Do you want the black four-inch heels that go with it?”

“You read my mind.”

“And I’m scarred for life from what I found.” She laughs and hangs up.

I stand up and Roger growl-hisses at me. “Sorry, buddy.” Yes, I’m talking to a cat. “I won’t be able to veg out all day. I have things to do.” The first thing I’m doing is seeing if the Diamond in the Rough Salon and Spa has any waxing appointments for today. It’s been so long since I’ve had a full-service tune-up, I need a professional to handle this job.

It looks like I’m going to put that key to good use and surprise my Scrooge caveman.

