The older woman glances over at me, and I can see the wheels spinning behind her light blue eyes. “It was perfect.” Her knowing blue eyes never leave mine as she holds out her hand. “Hello, I’m Aunt Ophelia Crawford.”

I’ve heard of the infamous little old lady who’s been banned from several businesses in town. Looking down at the sweet, innocent-looking older woman, I have a hard time believing any of the rumors. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Crawford.” She gasps when I kiss her hand, too.

“Oh, please. Call me Aunt Ophelia.” The skin on the outside of each of her eyes crinkles as she smiles at me. “Everyone in town does.” Great. The gleeful look in her eyes informs me she’ll have the fucking grapevine buzzing the minute she leaves the store.

“Aunt Ophelia’s niece, Scarlett, is married to Hacker Taylor,” Skye explains, and I realize everyone in this small town knows absolutely everything about everyone else, and I’m behind the eight ball. I need a goddamn playbook to keep up.

“I met Hacker before I moved here.” I’ve met most of the Silver Spoon MC members. Their president, Cash Montoya is also the CEO of Montoya Investments. He helped me arrange my financing to buy the Golden Goal without investors.

I was the quarterback of the Nashville Wings until I retired several years ago. It didn’t take me long to realize how much I hated traveling half the year. I returned to Riordan Cove to help my twin run our family business. When we attempted to expand the marina, our investors, mostly family members, put up tons of roadblocks in our way. We succeeded in the end, but the situation put a bad taste in my mouth for dealing with investors. Inevitably, everyone has their own interests in mind, and I didn’t want my store controlled by someone else’s greed.

I decided to buy The Golden Goal outright to make sure I maintain control of my business.

“Well, welcome to our little town.” Aunt Ophelia smiles and claps her hands together. “I’m sure you’ll love it here.”

I already fucking do, and I’m starting to realize I’m head over heels in love with my curvy little neighbor.

Garrett explained the whole town’s water situation to me when I moved here. Evidently, the residents believe the water in Silver Spoon Falls contributes to the high number of happy couples in town.

After meeting Jazzy, I stopped buying bottles and started guzzling the fucking water right out of the faucet because I can use all the help I can get.



My back teethgrind together while I watch McJerk charm the pants off of Aunt Ophelia.

I can’t believe my freaking luck. Not only do I have to put up with seeing him at home, but he’s opening a huge sporting goods store two doors down from Curvology.

When Skye leads Aunt Ophelia over to the counter to ring up her purchase, I turn and glare at the pain in my rear. “Why did you come in?” I need to get him out of here before I do something stupid. Like handing him my heart on a silver platter.

When he steps closer, his woodsy scent wraps around me, turning my insides to jelly. “I wanted to invite you to dinner.” He smiles down at me, and the hunger shining from his dark brown eyes causes my knees to weaken. “So, I can apologize for my behavior last week.”

“You already apologized, and I’ve forgiven you.” I’m purposely trying to be difficult. I don’t understand what the heck is happening here. “So, there’s no need for us to have dinner.”

He leans over and whispers next to my ear, “There’s every need. I want to get to know you, baby doll.” I’m in so much trouble here.

“I… I… uh.” My brain completely shuts down, sending every excuse I could come up with flying right out the window. “Okay.” Did I just agree to have dinner with Scrooge McJerk?

A huge smile breaks out across his handsome face. “Is tonight good with you?” he asks. He’s even more freaking gorgeous than I’d originally thought. Seeing him up close under the bright lights causes my blood to heat to nearly boiling. I barely resist the urge to run my fingers through his dark brown windblown hair. “Baby doll?” He frowns, and I realize I’ve been standing here silently staring at him.

“If you don’t mind having a late dinner.” Hopefully, by then, I can work on building up my defenses against my hot, new neighbor. “I work until seven on Tuesdays.”

“Is eight o’clock good with you?” he asks, and I nod my head. “I’ll see you then, baby doll.” He leans over to place a light kiss on my cheek and winks at me as Skye and Aunt Ophelia both gasp, reminding me they’re watching. I stand frozen and watch him walk to the front door. Before stepping out, he turns and gives me a little wave.

A thought suddenly occurs to me, and I call out before I’m able to stop myself, “Where do you want to meet for dinner?”

“I’ll come get you.”

* * *

At ten minutes until eight,I’m pacing the front hall while Roger sits on the edge of the sofa watching me. “You’re going to wear out the floor.” Skye plops down on the sofa and reaches for the remote control.

“I have no idea why I said yes.” I feel like my silky emerald dress is suddenly constricting around me. “I have to change.”

“Stop.” Skye stands up and walks over to me. “You’ve already changed three times, and that dress is perfect. It brings out the green in your eyes.”

“And it hugs every jiggle and bulge.” I’ve never been self-conscious of my abundant curves, but meeting Will has thrown my world into a tailspin. After he left Curvology earlier, we did a little online snooping and found out all about him. He was a popular quarterback before he suddenly retired early in his career. After that, he mostly fell off the radar except for a few articles about his family business.