“We appreciate it, Sheriff.” Dare takes over the conversation for me. Fear for Jazzy has my vocal cords frozen.

“We just arrived,” Dillon informs us. “I’m going to take the two girls up to see Jazzy. Call back if you have problems.” He hangs up as a patrol car with lights and sirens pulls onto the road in front of us.

We follow the deputy down the deserted roads, and I want to kick my own ass for not realizing a winter storm was approaching. I’ve been so busy with the store and our new relationship that I haven’t paid attention to anything else for weeks.

Dare pulls up in front of the main entrance, and I jump out before the vehicle comes to a complete stop.

As I jog through the lobby, Dillon races over to me. “Follow me.”

We step onto the elevator, and Dillon hits the third-floor button and tells me, “She’s in ICU.” Fuck me.

Tons of questions flash through my mind. I finally pull my shit together and ask, “Is she awake?”

“I don’t know. Letty and Skye went straight up to see her while I waited in the lobby for you.”

When the doors slide open, I follow the sheriff as he leads me to automatic doors at the end of the hall. The doors open for us, and he stops at the circular desk. “This is Jazzy Matheson’s fiancé.” He’s not wrong. If my girl survives this, I’m going to put a diamond on her finger and a baby in her belly. Then I’m never going to let her out of my sight again.

“Room four.” The nurse smiles at him. “I’ll have Dr. Fox meet you there.”

I glance around, looking for the room. When I see it to the right of the desk, I leave Dillon talking to the nurse and rush over to see my girl.

I stop outside the door and take a deep breath, telling myself we’ll deal with it. As long as she lives.

I push open the curtain and step into the darkened room. Both Skye and Letty glance up at me, and I notice they’ve both been crying.

My heart seizes in my chest as I take in my baby doll. She looks so tiny lying still in the large, white hospital bed. I swear under my breath when I see the dark purple bruises running across her soft cheek and over her nose. Both of her eyes have dark purple shadows all the way around them. She’s hooked to monitors and an IV but not any life support equipment.

Skye stands and lets me scoot next to the bed. I take Jazzy’s soft hand in mine and bring it to my lips for a kiss.

Her fingers tighten around mine, and I look up to see her gorgeous eyes half-opened staring into mine. “Sorry about lunch.” I have a hard time making out the words her voice is so scratchy, but I’m able to take a deep breath for the first time since I got the call from Skye.

“Fuck lunch,” I growl and lean over to whisper next to her ear, “I’m never letting your gorgeous little ass out of my sight again. And I’m going to spank you for giving me a heart attack.”

“That sounds good to me,” Jazzy whispers back. “But can I get a raincheck on the spanking? At least until I recover from the tree attacking me.”

I have no idea what she’s talking about, but I’m so happy she’s alive and whole, I’d agree to just about anything right now.

A few minutes later, the doctor sticks his head in the door and signals for me to follow him out into the hallway. “I’m Dr. Fox.” He holds out his hand to me.

On autopilot, I shake his hand and ask, “Is she going to be okay?”

“She should be fine.” He gives me a reassuring smile. “All of her scans and tests have come back okay.”

“Just okay?” This fucker needs to be more specific before I lose my goddamn mind.

He leads me over to a small sitting area and points at a chair. Once I’m siting, he tells me, “She hit her head pretty hard on the side window and has a concussion, but there’s no sign of a brain bleed. All her vitals are good, and her mental state is appropriate for someone who smashed head-on into a tree.”

“Goddamn,” I mutter under my breath. I had no idea what happened in the accident. I was so focused on making sure she’s alive, I didn’t even think to ask Dillon.

“I’m planning to keep her in the ICU through tomorrow, and then we’ll see about sending her to a regular room if she continues to progress the way I expect.”

I blow out my breath, relieved the situation isn’t any worse. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” He pats my shoulder. “Oh, one more thing. We’ll want her to have weekly doctor’s appointments with her obstetrician until they’re sure the accident didn’t hurt the baby.”

I grab the chair arm, trying to hold onto consciousness, but the shock is too much. I hear the doctor mutter, “Fuck,” as the room goes dark around me.

“Wake up asshole.” Saint’s voice cuts through the static buzzing in my ear. “They’re too busy taking care of your girl to cater to your pussy ass.”