Saint spins around to stare at me before looking over his shoulder at Dare. “You owe me fifty dollars, asshole.”

“Motherfucker,” Dare mumbles and throws a wad of money into Saint’s lap. “I can’t believe you hit that on the head.”

“What did you fuckers bet?” I’m not shocked. My brothers can’t resist a bet.

“We heard the stories about Silver Spoon Falls.” Dare smirks. “I bet it would take at least two months before some woman thawed your icy ass, but Saint said it would happen before the store’s grand opening.”

“Fuck off, both of you,” I grumble halfheartedly.

“We love you, too,” Saint tells me. “Now, take us to meet your girl.”

“Yeah,” Dare agrees. “Then we need food. I’m fucking starving.”

“You’re always starving.” My twin is known for his fucking hollow leg.

“What can I say? I’m a growing boy.”

“Lucky for you, I planned ahead and arranged for Jazzy to meet us at the best steakhouse in Texas.”



Roger layson Will’s massive leather sofa, watching as I race through the house, making sure everything is ready for Will’s two brothers. Every now and then, my spoiled cat licks his paw or swats imaginary toys floating in the air, unconcerned about my panic.

The butterflies zipping around in my stomach have butterflies in their stomachs as I glance at the clock and realize I’m running late. Really, really late.

I throw on my coat and give Roger a quick pet before heading out the door. Two steps off Will’s front porch, I slide and almost fall on my rear-end. A light, icy mist is steadily falling, and the temperature must have dropped several degrees since I was outside last.

I look around and see a light coating of ice covering just about everything. After carefully making my way over to my car, I wonder if I should call and check on Will or even postpone our lunch.

I’m debating my options when I see the Andersons’ minivan roar down the icy road. They don’t seem to be having any problem navigating, so I decide to try my luck.

Two miles from home, I realize my mistake as my little car slips and slides along the icy road. Oh, man. I’m looking for a driveway to turn around in when I drive over a bridge and my car spins out of control.

Freaking heck. My heart seizes in my chest when I see an evergreen tree approaching at the speed of light and realize I’m about to nail it. Head on.

* * *

I blinkup at the bright light shining in my eyes and groan, “Please let me sleep.” The headache pounding away behind my temples intensifies as the light switches from eye to eye.

“Ms. Matheson, I’m Dr. Fox.” I don’t really care right now. I’m hoping the comforting blackness pulls me away from all this pain. “Can you tell me what day it is?”

Take your pick. I force my groggy mind to function, hoping to shut him up. “Friday,” I croak out. At least, I think it’s still Friday.

“Good,” he comments, and I breathe a sigh of relief until he questions me again. “Do you know where you are?”

This pain in my rear isn’t going to give up. “I’d assume a hospital.” I hope he hears the grumpiness in my voice.

“That’s right.” Then leave me alone and let me sleep. “Do you remember what happened to you?”

Urgh. This guy just won’t give up. “A tree attacked my car.”

“Close enough.” He pats my arm. “The nurse is going to give you a little medicine for pain.”

Thank God for small miracles.

Fading in and out, I get little snippets of what’s happening around me. A poke in my arm causes me to gasp as my eyes blink open momentarily. The blinding pain that reverberates through my skull is much worse than the little sting, so I squeeze my eyes closed and ignore the poking and prodding.