Page 9 of Christmas Crisis

When they were settled in the SUV, he started the engine, then blasted the heat. “You have a seat warmer too.” He touched the control.

“The next car I get is going to have seat warmers.” She leaned forward to set the level to high. “Now this is luxury.”

He chuckled, appreciating her light tone as he backed out of the parking lot. The ride to Brookland wouldn’t take too long at this hour, even though it was a Saturday night. He decided to take the interstate, knowing Rhy would be waiting up for them, rather than getting some badly needed sleep.

As if reading his mind, Elly pulled out her phone. “Hey, Rhy, don’t worry, I’m fine. Joe is bringing me home.”

He couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation but imagined Rhy would press for more information on what had transpired.

“I’ll give you more information when we get there. See you soon. Give Devon and Colleen a hug and a kiss for me.” She lowered her phone. “Rhy is waiting up for us.”

“I figured.” Rhy was very protective of his family. It wouldn’t have mattered if the hour was two in the morning, he knew Rhy would have stayed up.

The tactical team liked and respected their captain. But they were also a bit in awe of him. It was rare that Rhy let his temper fly, but when he did? Watch out.

He had no intention of being on the receiving end of Rhy’s wrath.

Fifteen minutes later, he exited the freeway and headed toward Brookland. His one-bedroom apartment overlooked the Milwaukee River. He normally liked being closer to the lakefront, but there was something to be said for the peaceful serenity of the Brookland suburb.

“I hope the shooter is caught soon,” Elly said as he slowed the SUV. Rather than pulling straight in, he backed up into the driveway. Better to keep his eyes on the road just in case.

The Finnegan homestead was a large two-story redbrick home with white trim and black shutters. The place had six bedrooms, which sounded like a lot until you considered what it was like when all eleven of the Finnegan family members had lived there.

“We’ll get him.” He offered a reassuring smile. “Guys who do this type of thing are loners, outcasts. I doubt he has friends willing to hide him from the police.”

She nodded thoughtfully and reached for the door handle. “If he has family, I hope they turn him in.”

“I’m sure they will. Hold on, I’ll walk you up.” He pushed open his door when she surprised him by leaning over to kiss his cheek.

At the same moment, a gunshot reverberated through the night.


Elly instantly ducked her head, wave after wave of panic washing over her at the sound of gunfire. Instantly, she was back at the side of the road watching the ice skaters as they collapsed in a crumpled heap on the flatbed trailer. Then the little boy, lying in the street crying and bleeding.

No! No! No!

“Stay down!” Joe started the SUV, shifted into gear, and hit the gas. The vehicle shot out of the driveway.

She struggled to pull herself out of the flashback and into the present. They weren’t at the parade anymore. They were at her home. “Wait!” She tried to lift her head, but he ruthlessly held it down. “What about Rhy, Devon, and Colleen?”

“I’m sure Rhy heard the gunfire.” Joe’s voice was tense with anger. “That slug barely missed you. Came through the windshield.”

It had? She didn’t feel any cold air, but that could be because her heart was thudding so fast it was as if she were running a marathon. Not that she’d ever done such a thing. Her mind whirled, images of the man she’d sketched sitting somewhere outside her family home, just waiting for her to show up.

“If you hadn’t leaned over at that moment...” He didn’t continue. Her cheeks burned as she realized her attempt to kiss him had saved her life.

Now they were even. Yet the grim realization didn’t make her feel any better.

Seconds ticked by as Joe navigated through the neighborhood. Sitting hunched over the center console, with her face practically in his lap, was making her feel dizzy. She needed to be able to see where they were going. Especially as she kept lurching from side to side with his unexpected movements.

Finally, she pushed at his arm. “I feel sick.”

Instantly, he let her go. She sat up but hunched down in the seat. She drew in a ragged breath, staring at the bullet hole in the windshield that was at the same level as her face. Her face! She couldn’t tear her gaze away. A fresh wave of nausea hit hard as she understood just how close she’d come to being murdered in her own front yard.

“I don’t understand.” She had to force herself to turn away. “Did the parade shooter do this?”

“Yeah, unless you have other enemies I don’t know about.” Joe’s phone rang. The name on the dashboard screen simply saidCaptain. Joe punched the talk button. “Elly is okay. She’s not hurt.”