Page 41 of Christmas Crisis

“Don’t say that.” His tone was sharp. “You’re not going to die.”

“Like I said, I love my life. I’m looking forward to our Christmas family reunion with the Callahans.” She took another step toward him. “But I also want to reassure you I’m at peace with the Lord.”

He shook his head again. “We’re not going down that path, okay? We’re not.”

It made her a little sad to realize how much he resisted having faith in life after death. She reached for his hand. “Trust me, I’m with you one hundred percent. We’re going to find this man, and you’re going to throw him behind bars for the rest of his life.”

He tugged her closer, his blue eyes holding hers. She eagerly stepped into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Elly.” His words were muffled against her hair.

“I trust you.”

He held her close for a long moment, then abruptly released her, stepping back and looking around the room, anywhere but at her. “Get some sleep. I—uh, need to make a call.”

He turned away and hurried into his room as if Rhy himself was chasing him. And maybe he was. At least in Joe’s mind.

She stood in the center of the room, feeling bereft. In that moment, it was clear to her that Joe would never act on their mutual attraction. That their one and only kiss was nothing but an aberration.

Joe would never allow a relationship to develop between them because of his dedication to his boss.

And there was nothing she could do to change his mind.

* * *

He neededout of this hotel room bad. Joe quietly closed the bedroom door behind him, then looked up at the ceiling as if seeking help from God.

Elly was messing with his mind in a way he’d never thought possible. He hadn’t told anyone about the abuse he and Sarah had suffered. Yet one simple look from Elly had him blabbing about everything.

He was drawn to her in a way he hadn’t experienced since—ever. Certainly not with Tina.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he scrolled through his recent call list to call Rhy. Then he stopped himself.

What exactly would he say? Oh, by the way, Rhy, I need you to have someone else from the team to stay here with Elly because I desperately want to kiss her.

He snorted. Yeah, that would not go over well. He shouldn’t be thinking of kissing Elly Finnegan in the first place. Something Rhy would no doubt point out in no uncertain terms.

Much less remembering the incredible kiss they’d already shared. And the warmth of her embrace.

See? He shoved his phone back into his pocket and began to pace again. This was exactly what Steele had warned him about. Keeping his mind on the game plan. Not allowing his personal feelings to interfere with their mission of finding and arresting this guy.

So why was he having so much trouble ignoring his attraction to her?

He didn’t know but needed to figure it out and fast. Before he made another colossal mistake.

Besides, even if Rhy called him right now to tell him to hand Elly over to another member of the team, he wouldn’t do it. Sure, the men and women he served with were highly trained professionals. They were the best of the best. He trusted them with his life on a regular basis.

But not with Elly’s.

Okay, enough. Time to stop thinking about Elly and get to work. The quickest way out of this mess was to find the shooter.

Before the guy found Elly.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Joe opened the bedroom door and stepped back into the living room. He’d hoped Elly would have taken his advice to get some rest, but she didn’t.

“I’m going to keep searching social media pages of our victims.” He sat down at the table and tapped the track screen to reengage the power.

“Can I help?” Elly asked.

“Not yet.” He glanced over his shoulder, grateful she was still on the sofa. “I’ll let you know if I find anyone matching your sketch. Besides, you should really get some sleep.”