It would be so perfectly elemental—not to admit ignorance, but skirt around it in the most prosaic way possible.

He needed to find a terrestrial text that mentioned the trinity. Which meant dragging himself out of the comfort of the reading room and down to the stacks. To the embarrassingly small collection of texts that the elementals had cared enough to procure from the terrestrial kingdom.

He trudged down, down, down the staircase built into the wall.

Along one of the spoke-like aisles.

Past the massive doors—long since closed for the night by the librarians.

He squinted to read the spines illuminated by starlight rather than bring the candle too close.

Flora and the Human Realm.

That was at least in the correct realm.

The Travelers. The Once and Future King. Faerie Tales for Lost Souls.

Parys grabbed as many as he could, prioritizing anything that mentioned or alluded to the human realm. He’d come back and look through the chapter headings of all the others in the daylight.

He hefted the stack back past the doors, down the aisle, started back up the stairs.

And just—stopped.

He was so damn tired.

Maybe this was far enough.

He sank down onto the steps. Flipped open the very top book.The Travelers. He hadn’t even meant to grab it. But his eyes began scanning the table of contents by habit.

The chapters were all titled in the same strange, concise manner as the book itself—The Passing. The Nightwalkers. The Three.

The Three.

Parys flipped through the book, turning pages quickly. Wax dripped off the tip of the candle, but he kept going until he found it.

Not all travelers are welcome. Some invade the body, others the mind. For this reason was the sacred trinity created. What once was one then became three. The sword. The scabbards. The chalice. Only united can they banish the darkness. Three kingdoms created them. Only when wielded as one can they serve the purpose for which they were made…

Parys snapped the book shut. He waited for a drip of blood to run down from his eyes—or maybe drool from his open mouth.

Excalibur. Veyka’s scabbards. The chalice Merlin had used at the Joining.

The sacred trinity.

The sacred trinity could banish the darkness.

He had to find Gwen.

They needed to send someone after Arran and Veyka. This couldn’t want for them to return. It was too urgent.

He sprang to his feet, the candle winking out.

It didn’t matter.

He clenchedThe Travelersunder his arm, energy replenished. Warm wind swirled around him, his magic dancing in time with his pounding heart.

And carrying back a voice.

Two voices.