“If I become immortal,” she said, a wry smile threatening her lips, “I thought I could have you. I thought it was possible.” But he had already decided it wasn’t. She was just being stupid now. Tears rolled free down her cheeks. “It just means … watching my sisters grow old, and die, while I don’t. That seemed too hard. And I thought I had to figure it out before you leave.”I’m so stupid.Why would he make any other choice than severing ties while their relationship was young? If he did care, like he’d said, then her eventual death would hurt him, too. The separation of them would hurt him, too. And here she was, snapping at him as if he’d pushed her away with the intention of causing her pain.

Her new power was a curse.

Merry Christmas

Fenn’slipspressedagainsthers suddenly, his hands burying in her hair as his tongue swirled along hers. The kiss was every bit as hungry as usual, but there was a note of desperation beneath it that shot straight to Sienna’s soul. Prompting her to respond before she could fully process what was happening. Her hands latched onto his shirt, the material twisting in her grip as she pushed up on her toes to kiss him back. To kiss him harder.

Was this their last kiss? Was this goodbye?

The thought was barely a whisper in the back of her mind before Fenn pulled back, slightly, and adjusted to press his forehead to hers. He didn’t release his hold on her head and she clung to the tightness of his grip. “Fenn…?”

“I don’t know how to ask you to choose me,” he said. “I do know that I will never be the same as I was before I met you. I know that the day you let yourself leave this world, and force me to take your soul, will be the day I learn how Death dies.”

With their faces so close, and the unblinking intensity of his stare, there was no way she could doubt his sincerity. Pain of some kind wasn’t uncommon in his eyes, but what she saw when he spoke was different this time. And the yearning … it was as if what she saw in his eyes mirrored the feelings in her heart. He was absolutely serious.

But…“You were going to leave,” she whispered, her voice weak.

His thumbs rubbed along her scalp and he attempted to offer her a smile. “I thought it would be easier for you.”

Sienna shoved her arms up, around his neck, and tilted her head in order to bite at his lower lip. She stroked her tongue over the skin and brokenly murmured, “I want you, Fenn. I need you.” She curled her fingers into the collar of his turtleneck. “You’re the only one who could teach me how to immortalize myself, and the only one who could help me survive losing my family.” She was sure now, somehow. The threat of losing him, of him stepping away and vanishing forever, had made it crystal clear. So she retreated enough to meet his gaze again. “I’ll choose you, and an eternity with you, if you’ll let me.”

Fenn dragged in a breath so hard it shook them both, then hauled her thighs up to his hips and spun them around until it was her back pressed into the wall. “You understand what I am. What I do. The things I see and deal with every damn day.” Darkness rippled around them, shrouding them until she could see nothing but him, and he tore off her sweater as he spoke. His voice was rough, little more than a growl. “You want that life?” With the assistance of his sharpened void magic, her pants fell next.

Sienna tightened her legs around him as his own clothes melted away at the mere force of his will. It was cheating, and it was sexy as hell. She licked her lips. “Yes,” she breathed. “Because I want to be there with you. For you.” She threaded her fingers into his hair and tugged his face closer. “Let me be your sanctuary, Fenn.”

His lips sealed over hers and he caught one of her breasts in his palm. All she could do was hold him tighter as he ravished her mouth and kneaded her breast, his other hand sweeping along her thigh up to her hip and back again. She crossed her ankles at his back and mewled against him as he pinched her nipple, making her arch into his chest.

The kiss broke and she gasped, “Fenn, my sisters, they’ll—”

He trailed wet kisses along her throat. “They’re preoccupied with the movie.” He released her boob in favor of gliding that hand also toward her hip. “Downstairs.”

“D-downstairs?” He’d transported them? She belatedly remembered the rising blackness, and not giving it any further thought.

He hummed against her skin and slipped two fingers past her folds, sliding them easily inside her. Shattering her ability to think about anything beyond him. He pushed his fingers as deep as they could go and she squirmed against him as he dragged them out again. His erection was heavy on her belly, his lips and tongue hot and wet on her skin, and she wanted more. So much more.

“Fenn,” she gasped, her fingers digging into his back. “Please, fuck me.”

He rolled his thumb over her clit and she nearly came as almost searing pleasure shot through her, too brief to send her flying but still so damn good. Then his hand retreated and she felt him line himself up as he took hold of her hips. His forehead suddenly pressed against hers, drawing her focus for a beat. Their gazes met and he smiled warmly, disarmingly, right before driving his cock inside her to the hilt.

Sienna cried out, holding him tighter, her back arching, and Fenn started raining kisses along her jaw and the neglected side of her throat. He gave her only a few seconds to adjust to him before he started moving, thrusting in and out of her pussy with a surprising ferocity. Several seconds passed before she realized he was also speaking, sort of.

“Sienna,” he murmured against her skin between wet, toothy kisses. Kisses that would leave marks if she let them. “Love you.” He angled his hands around to take hold of her ass as he pounded into her. “Never letting you go.”

She could barely breathe and her body trembled, and for as amazing as the sex felt, she suspected half the pleasure coursing through her was actually a result of his frenzied words. All she could do was keep her legs locked around him, keep her hands roaming across his back and occasionally digging into the muscle there. She made no effort to contain her moans and didn’t care at all about the pricks of fresh tears stinging her eyes. “Yes,” she said, panting. She managed to catch his hair in a brief grip. “Please, Fenn!” He was, apparently, more articulate than her in this moment.

He straightened enough to slide his tongue into her mouth, stepped away from the wall, and used his hold on her to help her bounce on his length. The adjusted angle was perfect and seconds later a screaming orgasm ripped from the depths of her soul, so blindingly bright and hot she nearly fainted right there in his arms. It would have been embarrassing if it hadn’t felt so good.

Fenn shuddered against her with a long, low groan before she had fully recovered, his arms locking tight around her. “Fuck,” he finally said, unusually breathless.

Sienna grinned and pressed a kiss to the skin of his shoulder. “Pretty sure we just did. I’m definitely all sticky again.”

He chuckled. “Shower?”

She did love showering with him. Who would’ve known? Still, she made a point to straighten a little and find his gaze again. “Is this real? Are you really going to let me stay with you?”

He moved a hand to cup her cheek. “Are you really choosing me?”

She swallowed hard, remembering her own words, and pushed out an emotional exhale. “Yes.”