His phone went off moments later. Cassian’s name on the screen was not unexpected, but not what he wanted to see. He answered anyway. “Do you have something?”

“You’re leaking. Again.”

Fenn locked his jaw for a moment. “I don’t care. He took her.”

Cassian was silent for a beat. “I beg your pardon?Who, boy?”

Fenn closed his eyes, searching for that strange magnetic pull that had drawn him to Sienna before. “Some fool with divine speed.”

Cassian let out an irritated grunt. “Let me call War. We’ll come to you.” He disconnected without waiting for a response.

Fenn nearly dropped his phone away, not in the mood to care about waiting or even the chiding they’d already received from Fate, when another thought echoed in his mind. It was probably unnecessary, but for Sienna’s sake, he’d make the call.

Rajan answered immediately. “Tell me what’s wrong.” He swore he’d never actually been a King in his mortal life, but there were times Fenn wondered how truthful that was.

Fenn repeated himself out of necessity, then added, “Your ability may make this irrelevant, but I thought you might want to put a more concentrated effort into Maya’s defense.”

“I see. Of course.” Rajan paused, but no sound drifted through the line. “Fenn, I owe you an apology. I feared something like this might happen, if only because it’s hardly a trial for Sienna if you’re protecting her and fighting for her at every turn. I tell you that now so you will remember there is still hope.”

Fenn felt his lip curl. “I don’t give a fuck about that nonsense. I’m going to find her, alive, and then I’m going to finish this.” He hung up before Rajan could try to talk him down. It seemed like he was consistently being held back on some sort of leash lately, but he was done putting up with that. The mysterious, possibly divine, speedster had knowingly provoked Death.

Now Death awaited him.

Blind Rage

Shefeltgroggy,asif she had been unnaturally roused from the grip of a deep sleep. Her body was heavy and she couldn’t blink the fog from her eyes. Even her lungs barely drew breath. Movement ahead caught her attention and Sienna did her best to focus, hoping to will away the blurriness.

The center of her vision cleared as her best friend, Sherri, burst into view. A wide smile lifted her face, still familiar despite that it looked oddly older—more tired—than Sienna remembered. Her once-dyed hair had even been washed back to its natural hue. She appeared thrilled, her eyes lit with an excited energy that radiated from her smile.

Apprehension filled Sienna’s chest as she watched her closest friend rush almost completely through her limited field of vision. She was fairly certain this was a terrible time to be blacking out and she didn’t even remember it hitting. The last thing she remembered was hitting cold concrete after being abducted.Yeah, on top of a crap day.That’d do it.

Another voice, muffled and distorted, drifted in from wherever Sherri’s arms stretched out of sight. The tone was pleasant, light, possibly even laughing.

Then Sherri pulled a woman Sienna did not recognize into view, the stranger’s back to Sienna, and they wrapped their arms around each other in an affectionate hug. A hug that soon turned intimate when the women eased back and met in a warm kiss.

Sienna’s eyes widened. She hated looking in on other people’s intimate moments. It was so much worse when she knew them, and worse still when her vision told her something about that person the person in question hadn’t chosen to confide. It felt like spying.

“Welcome home,” Sherri said, her quiet words carrying to Sienna’s ears despite obviously being meant for the woman whose forehead was now pressed to hers.

Sienna could just slightly see the upward angle of the woman’s lips, and the woman’s murmured response was still muffled to her ears. It looked tender, from the way she kissed Sherri’s jaw and the way Sherri released a soft sigh. They were cute, heartwarming. And as the vision finally began to fade, Sienna understood.

It didn’t matter who the mystery woman was or how much time and stress had passed between Sienna’s present and the moment she’d witnessed. Eventually, this would be. This new woman would come into her friend’s life and offer something Sherri had only just learned she’d lost in real-time.

A misplaced sense of relief flickered through Sienna’s heart. She would have to play dumb for a while, but she looked forward to the day Sherri introduced her to this person. She looked forward to the relief and happiness this stranger would bring her friend.

A shock of cold dropped onto her face, jerking her sharply back to the moment. The reason she couldn’t be afford to be lingering in her relief for her friend.

“Oh, she deigns to rejoin us.”

Sienna groaned, barely processing the words that dripped with disdain from the voice somewhere above her. She was on her back, so she pushed to a sitting position and reached up, wiping at her face before she consciously knew what she was doing. Pain lanced through her from the action and something gave way beneath the swipe of her hand. She winced, finally bringing her mind to full focus, and looked down as she pulled her hand away.

Snow tumbled through her splayed fingers and slowly began to melt in her lap. More snow had started to melt over the shoulder of her sweater. The concrete she remembered being dropped onto previously was still beneath her, hard under her butt. And she couldn’t breathe right. That sensation had apparently carried through into her vision, albeit not accurately. Her nose hurt like hell and some of the snow was tinted red. “Wha—”

A sharp scoff, in that same tone, pulled her attention outward. This time she identified Florence’s voice as the woman said, “Have you never seen your own blood before, you poor little infant?”

Sienna frowned and flicked a cluster of icy snow from her thigh. “You dropped a snowball on me? While I wasunconscious? And you call me a child.” She was pretty sure she’d avoided falling on her face when she’d been unceremoniously dropped wherever they were, so she must have crashed face-down when the vision struck. It was the most likely scenario she could think of.

She thought she actually saw Florence’s nostrils flare as indignation flared in her eyes. “I don’t have to listen to this!”