Page 17 of Consumed By Desire

“Damn, sure am. I am just trying to catch up to your nasty ass,” I tell her.

“Oh, you got a long way before you can catch up to me,”

“Oh, it’s like that, huh?”

“Hell yeah,” she says with absolutely no remorse.

“Well, with Legends’s nasty ass, I am sure I will catch up soon,”

“Oh, it’s like that, huh?”

“Hell yeah,” I say, making us both laugh.

“All I got to say is I know I’m going to be the matron of honor, but y’all better hurry up, or I’m not going to be able to fit in my dress in a few months,” she tells me before biting into her sandwich, and I freeze with my fork halfway to my mouth.

“I know you fucking lying!” I say, jumping up out of my seat and running over to her, pulling her from her seat. “You’re pregnant?”

“I’m pregnant! I found out yesterday, and this was the first opportunity I got to get from up under Kruze to tell you. That man has been more sex-crazed than usual since finding out we are going to be parents,” she says as we hug like we haven’t seen each other in years.

“Friend, first of all, I have not told Legend I love him, and he hasn’t told me either, so I think we are a long way away from a wedding. So go ahead and have the baby, sis. He or she would probably be in the wedding by the time we get to that,” I tell her before retaking my seat.

“You don’t know that, sis, but I am pulling for y’all since you two are going to be the godparents,” she says taking a bite of her sandwich.

“Say less, let me start planning the gender reveal, baby shower, post push party,”

“Wait, a what?” she says, laughing.

“A post-push party and baby introduction party,”


“It’s happening, Trin, so get your outfits together,” I tell her.

“Girl, you are crazy,”

“But you knew that already,”

“Hey, sis,” Legend says walking in the kitchen a few hours later.

“Legend,” she says as he hugs her and kisses her on the cheek.

“How did you get away from my brother?”

“He had an emergency at work, so I decided to come over here and see my best friend to tell her Kruze and I are going to be parents, and you and Shannon are going to be godparents,” before he can get the words out he is picking her up giving her a bear hug.

“Congratulations, sis! I gotta call my brother,” he says. “I’m going to head back to the bedroom and give you two a chance to talk.”

“No need, I’ve been here practically all day. Let me go before your brother sends seal team six after me,” she says, grabbing her purse and hugging me before heading toward the door. “We’ll talk again soon,” she tells me and slips out of the door.

“I am going to be an uncle.”

“And I am going to be an aunt.”

“And we are going to be godparents,”

“We are,” I say as I begin cleaning up our mess.

“Well, I guess I better hurry up and do this,” he says and goes quiet. I turn around, and he is on one knee holding a ring box, and I drop the garbage on the floor as I slap both hands over my mouth.