“I know what he likes. Isn’t that right, Dasher?”

“Wow,” Eva says. “You got Dasher a present but not me? I’m hurt.”

“You think I forgot about you?” I shake my head as I stand. “Check the bedroom.”

She makes a face but she backs away slowly, turning a few times as she heads into the bedroom.

I take off my coat, gloves, and shoes and follow after her. She’s already unwrapping the present when I make it into the bedroom.

“Matching pajamas? Are you serious?” She laughs as she holds out her pair in front of her.

She’s not going to have a chance to wear it though. Not yet. I have other plans for how we’ll be spending either and it doesn’t involve clothes.

I swallow hard as I move toward her. “That’s not all,” I rasp. “You’re missing the bonus gift.”

Eva turns over the wrapping paper on the bed and then checks the pockets of the pajamas. She’s not going to find what she’s looking for on the bed.

“Where is it? I don’t see it.”

“Look up,” I say, directing my gaze at the pop of green and red above the bed.

She gasps when she sees it, her eyes flaring as she looks back at me. “Mistletoe?”

I step forward, the gap between us closing. The air around us crackles with tension and energy. Static in my head as everything around me dissolves. All I see is Eva. All I want is Eva. And finally, I’m going to have Eva.

She’s mine.

I drag my fingertips lightly across her cheek as her eyes close and she takes in a shuddering breath.

“Did you think those couples at the market were the only ones going to enjoy the magic of mistletoe tonight?” I tunnel my fingers into her hair, gripping as she opens her eyes.

She’s staring at me like she’s in a haze. Lips parted as she grabs my wrists while I slide my hands to her neck. My thumbs stroke her jawline as she licks her lips.

“I’d hope not,” she says, blinking up at me, the haze finally lifting. “I’ve wanted to kiss you all day.”

Heat floods through me as her voice ignites a fire inside me. Possessive. Obsessive. There’s nothing that will hold me back from claiming Eva.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment I laid eyes on you Eva.”

She smiles. “Because I was naked?”

I shake my head. “No, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t add more fuel to the fire you lit inside me.”

My thumb brushes against her lips and she kisses it, sending a shockwave through my body. And then again when she presses her hands against my chest, dragging them down across my stomach.

“Do you want some more fuel?”

Fucking douse me in it. Burn me until there’s nothing left. I’ll die a happy man to see those tits again. Feel them in my hands. In my mouth.

“Yes,” I growl. “Fucking all of it.”

I tilt my head towards her, my forehead against hers as she drags her hands all over my body. I kiss her nose. Kiss her eyebrows, cheeks, and neck. I’m kissing her at random because I can hardly control myself as I breathe in her scent.

“What do you want?” she asks, gasping as I drag my tongue across her collarbone.

“You, Eva,” I growl against her skin. “All of you.”

I nip at her neck, pulling her sweater off her shoulder as I press my teeth against her skin. Lick again. She’s so fucking soft. Like velvet against my mouth.