Nick surprised me, that's for sure. He continues to surprise me. And I’m sure if Quinn or Juliet could see him now, he’d surprise them too. There’s more to this mountain man than meets the eye.

“Worth it?” I ask as we finally pull up to our car.

“Every second, Eva.”

He brings my gloved hand to his mouth and kisses it. Warmth spreads to my chest and for the second time today, I’m wondering why I don’t carry mistletoe on me.

“Here we are,” Archie says. “Don’t forget to leave a review. We’re on Footloose, Instantcarp, and Tickle Tock.”

I understood a few of those words.

“Oh and as a parting gift for patrons of our Deluxe Adventure…”

Archie reaches for something at the foot of the sleigh. A few moments later he pops out with a stick. My eyes light up when I see what’s attached to it: A string and some mistletoe.

Maybe I’ll be getting my kiss after all.

* * *

Spoiler alert:I didn’t get my kiss.

But I did walk away with some mistletoe on a stick, so there’s that. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it but I have it in my back pocket. Not literally of course. That could be dangerous unless Nick gets on his knees and…Nope!

I might not have gotten my first Christmas kiss yet, but I’m not going to let it dampen my mood. I’m having a wonderful time with Nick and it’s only getting better the more time I spend with him. He’s been a great sport today, showing me around the area.

Whispering Winds is an amazing little town. I’ve always loved living in a big city. There’s so much to do. People are always out and about. I love the energy.

But after spending a few days here with Nick, I’m warming up to the idea of a small town. Or maybe I’m just warming up to Nick. When I first met him, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

Most of the men in my city wear form-fitting suits. They style their hair. They shave their faces. They drone on and on about theirvery importantjobs.

He’s nothing like them in many ways, but the most important: I like him.

“How long have you lived in Whispering Winds?”

We’re strolling down Main Street, a cup of Mistletoe Madness in each of our hands. Quinn was surprised to see us. Or maybe surprised to see Nick. I was able to wrangle him into a Santa hat that I bought at the gift shop in Cherry Ridge Farm.

He grumbled a little but I think he’s enjoying himself. He’s not the Scrooge people make him out to be.

“I was born here. Lived here until I was fourteen when I went to live with my grandpa.”

I swallow but it’s painful. There’s a small lump forming in my throat because I’m not sure why he’d have to live with his grandpa, but it usually isn’t a good story.

Yes, she was.Nick’s comment from yesterday surges back to me. I wanted to ask him about his mother, but it didn’t feel right. It still doesn’t.

“Oh,” I say, not wanting to pry.

Nick gestures to a metal bench, the back of it wrapped up in garland. We both sit for a few moments, watching the stream of people walking down the sidewalk. Everyone’s bundled up. Some are wearing typical wool hats and scarves, but others have on festive hats and sweaters.

I think Nick looks the best.

“My parents died in a car crash when I was fourteen. That’s why I left to live with my Grandpa.”

I don’t know what to say. I place my hand on his leg, trying to soothe him but I know it’s not enough. To lose both of your parents at that young age—I can’t imagine how painful it must have been for him.

The lump in my throat begins to grow, tingling as I try to take a sip of my drink. It’s no use though. It’s unbearable to swallow right now.

“I’m so sorry,” I say, finally, but it sounds more like a croaking noise.