I swallow. “Yeah. But this doesn’t look like any farm I’ve seen before.”

“Not what you were expecting from a small town?” Nick asks as he parks the car.

“Not exactly, but I’m glad we finally made it.”

It was a longer drive than I expected, but the only sleigh ride I could book wasn’t in Whispering Winds. If this is anyone’s backup, I wonder what the first choice looks like.

He cuts the engine and the music turns off. “We almost didn’t make it.”

I turn to him, finally peeling my eyes away from the lodge that looks like one enormous gingerbread house. Way better than that monstrosity we made last night, but it probably doesn’t taste as good though.

“Why’s that?”

“If I had to listen toSleigh RideorDashing Through the Snowone more time…” He shakes his head. “Well, let’s just say that the cliff was beginning to look enticing.”

“It was a little excessive, I guess. I couldn’t help it though. This is going to be my first sleigh ride.”

“Oh yeah?”

“You’ve been?”

“I have.”

“And how was it?”

Nick considers the question for a while. It looks like he’s reaching back for a long forgotten memory.

“I mostly remember the smell,” he says finally.

“Fresh fallen snow?”

He turns to me, a serious expression on his face. “The farts, Eva. I never realized just how much horses farted.” A few seconds later. “And pooped.”

“Oh god,” I mutter as I turn back to face the lodge.

Nick reaches over and places his hand on my leg and immediately I feel my body become electric.

“And we’re going to have a front-row seat.”

Aaaaaand it’s gone.

* * *

Well,as it turns out. Nick wasn’t wrong. There’s been a lot of farts. A couple of poops. But now that we’re about halfway through our sleigh ride, it seems like everything has worked through Rudolph’s system.

“We’re almost there,” Archie says, the gentleman steering our sleigh who looks shockingly similar to Santa Claus. Although, it might be the full Santa Claus uniform he’s wearing.

I sigh. “Over already?”

The sleigh ride has gone better than expected. Rudolph, or as Archie calls him, Dolph, has guided us through a veritable winter wonderland as snow falls softly all around us. We passed through a forest and now we’re riding around a big lake filled with ice skaters, bundled up in caps and scarfs and gliding all over the ice.

It’s quite romantic, to be honest—far more than I expected. But then again, I’d booked this as a date.

“Over?” Archie says. “Oh no, we’re almost to the gazebo. You booked the Deluxe Adventure.”

“The Deluxe Adventure?”

Archie nods, giving the reins a gentle tug as sleigh bells ring. “Upgraded just this morning. Juliet, I believe. You’ve got yourself some nice friends.”