Or not hard enough… I don’t know because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’m out of my element, acting on instinct. Guided by nothing but urges. I can’t help myself. I can’t stop myself. And I don’t want to until I make Eva mine.

“Yeah,” I rasp. “Just find it hard to believe.”


Her voice sounds so light and delicate, and I can’t help but take another step forward for another breath of her intoxicating scent.

“That you’re single.”

“Have you seen my car?” she asks.

I snort-laugh as I picture her Crosstrek reimagined as a reindeer.

“Okay,” I say. “It might be a lot for some men, but for some…” I swallow hard because all I want to do is reach forward, cup her face, and taste those lips once and for all. “I doubt they’d ever get enough of you.”

She opens her mouth to speak but she stops. It takes her a few moments, but then she says, “Let me know when you find one.”

He’s staring right at you, looking at you like you’re the only one he sees. Because you are. You’re the one I want, Eva. The one I need. The one that turns my insides into a twisted mess that nothing can disentangle except for your lips. Your tongue. Your body.

Jesus, I can’t even fucking think straight right now. I don’t even remember how we got here. We were in the forest. We cut down a tree. And now I’m standing here, losing my fucking mind because all I want to do is taste the one thing that will soothe it.

“We should start the movie soon,” she says, finally. “We have a long day tomorrow.”

“I’ll grab the backup gingerbread house.”

“No,” she says. “I’ll watchDie Hardwithout a distraction. It’s only fair.”

I smile. “I’m not choosingDie Hard.”

“Ohthankgod,” she lets out in one breath. “What are you picking?”

“Someone recommendedNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.”

“Well, whoever did,” Eva says, leaning in, “has a very good taste in movies.”

She has no idea what she’s doing to me, being this close. A few more seconds and we wouldn’t watch any movie. We wouldn’t make it to the sleigh ride tomorrow. We’d be here all day—incapable of leaving the bedroom for more than a few minutes at a time.

That’s what I want for Christmas.

The only thing I want.


We only make it about halfway through the movie before she falls asleep again. This time I’ll take the blame. I dragged her all over the mountain to find the perfect tree, and as I look at it, all done up in lights and tinsel. Garland and sparkling ornaments. I know we found the perfect one, and we only had to fight off a family of raccoons to claim it.

That’s a battle I’d fight any day because seeing Eva’s face light up when we finally erected it, decorating it as we watched the movie, it was all worth it.

Eva’s worth it.

And with her head on my lap, a roaring fire, and a Christmas movie droning on in the background, I’m content. Happier than I’ve ever been in a long time.

And it’s all because of Eva.



For the second time,I wake up in a hazy state. It was another night of amazing sleep but again, I don’t remember falling asleep. I especially don’t remember resting my head on Nick’s lap.