I’ll tell her, but right now isn’t the time.

We spend the next fifteen minutes or so finishing off our stew before moving on to hot chocolate as we watch the falling snow. We haven’t found our Christmas tree yet but I think I might know the perfect spot. It’s an old favorite of my dad’s and I have no doubt we’ll find the right one.

“We better get going,” I say. “We’ve got a tree to cut down.”

Eva’s eyes flare. “I hope you don’t expect me to wield the axe.”

I hop to my feet, offering her my hand. “Eva, I’m surprised. Where’s your Christmas spirit?”

“I think it’s frozen right now. I’ll need more hot chocolate to melt its icy cage.”

She grabs my hand and I pull her to her feet—a little too hard because she collides with me. She lets out a breathy gasp as she glances at my lips for a brief moment, and I stare at hers.

I know something that would warm her up. One kiss is all it would take to melt her and everything around us. One. Single…

“We should probably get going or we’ll be out here all night.”

Wouldn’t be the worst thing. Huddling together for warmth in some cave. Fire blazing. Our bodies melded together. A fucking dream, but not for her.

“Yeah,” I rasp. “The wolves come out at sunset.”

“Wolves?” she gasps, pushing off of me. “There are wolves around us?”

I laugh and she groans. “Hilarious, Nick.”

“It was a little funny, right?”

She’s fighting a smile as she says, “No.”

“Alright. Well, I’ve got another present up my sleeve that might make up for it.”

I reach into my pack and pull out a sugar cookie, handing it over to her.

She snatches it and takes a bite.

“Am I in your good graces again?”

“Find me a Christmas tree and we’ll talk.”

I clap away the sugar from my gloves. “I know just the place.”

“We couldn’t have headed there an hour ago?”

I wrap my arm around her. “What’s the fun in that? It’s about the journey, Eva. Not the destination.”

She groans. “Your last name isn’t Griswold by chance is it?”


“Have you seenNational Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?”

I shake my head. “No, why?”

“Oh, no reason. That’ll be our next movie.”

I shake my head. “Not so fast. I pick tonight, remember?”

“How could I forget?” she says, sighing. “I can’t wait forDie Hard, the Christmas classic.”