Page 3 of Bad Neighbors

“What the hell is up with this place tonight?”

He took a swallow of his beer and leaned in closer. “I heard there’s gonna be a bar dance or something. You know, like in that cowboy movie?”

It was before my time, but I knew what he was talking about. My boyhood nanny had a fascination with it, and I remember sneaking in to watch the scenes where the girls stomped and kicked on top of a bar. “Yeah, that’s good stuff.” My eyes roved the room, filled with college-aged guys and waitresses clad in skimpy schoolgirl-style uniforms, and my mouth curled in a smile. I didn’t party too much, but I’d picked a good night to hang out. It was a shame Ezra and Gale were busy; they’d have appreciated the sights as much as I did. “Where’s our waitress, man? I need a beer.”

Adam looked around and pointed out a woman a few tables away. “That’s her.” I wasn’t sure how I’d missed her. She was tiny in stature but, like most of the women that worked here, she was built. She had blond hair with pink tips, and was holding a tray above her head while nodding at something a guy was saying to her. The tray was loaded with several drinks, creating a swell of muscle in her arm and along the strip of torso turned towards me. Her expression was annoyed, and I realized the guy holding her attention was speaking to her chest instead of her face. As I watched, she held her free hand, index finger extended, in front of her chest. When his eyes snagged on it, she lifted it slowly up to her face, his dazed eyes following.

I snorted out a laugh. She walked off a few seconds later, placing the drinks on her tray down at the table beside ours before coming to us.

“How are you guys doing? Need any refills?”

I held up a finger. “Something on tap, please.”

She nodded and began placing empties on her tray, working her way around to where I was seated. “I.D.?”

Shifting in my seat to tug my wallet from my back pocket, I let my eyes travel down her form. Up close she was all stunning Icelandic beauty, pale skin and hair, icy blue eyes. I felt interest stir, surprising me. I hadn’t been genuinely attracted to anyone since Skylar dumped me last year after I’d made it plain I had no interest in the money my parents kept putting in my bank account. “Haven’t seen you around here before.”

Adam coughed into his hand. “Lame.”

“I’ve been here a few months now,” she replied, ignoring Adam and taking the license from my hand to study the date. “…Baron.” She handed it back to me, eyes cool. Not unfriendly… just… disinterested. “House IPA okay?”

“I’m easy.” The double entendre, coupled with the stare I hadn’t turned off, didn’t go unnoticed. She leaned a bit closer, as if she was having trouble hearing me. This close, I could smell a subtle vanilla scent as her hair brushed my cheek and swallowed as my dick twitched.

“I’m not.”

Beside me, Adam heard and groaned. “He crashes and he burns,” he murmured.

The waitress was straightening when someone stumbled by and bumped her, either inadvertently or on purpose, I couldn’t tell. I was too busy catching her when she fell solidly against me, her arms outstretched to grab the tray of empty glasses and bottles that careened in slow motion to the floor behind me.

I grabbed a boob. Didn’t mean to, but there it was, in my face and in my hand. My other hand was on the skin of her waist bared by the top and skirt. Hurriedly I moved the hand on her boob, but only managed to place it on her ass. Intentional? Even to myself, I pleaded the fifth. Her hands dropped the tray and pushed against my shoulders in a frantic bid to right herself, but with me holding her all she succeeded in doing was falling more completely against me.

I held her there for a minute as chaos reigned around us, breathing in her heat and fluster as she struggled for release. Then I stood and set her gently down, noting once again how short she was. She barely came to my pecs. She glared up at me, tugging her skirt down in an attempt to cover that ass.

“Very gentlemanly of you to grope me,” she hissed.

“Very ladylike of you to climb me like a tree,” I shot back, amusement warring with indignation. I’d caught her, damnit.

Another waitress came over and began picking up the mess behind me. “You okay, babe?”

“Fine. Thank you,” she said, and squatted to help. The view when she did so…sweet baby Jesus.My dick was a steel pipe in seconds. Her ass was a dream, and I could just imagine my handprint on it. Biting my knuckle, I turned away.

“I’ll be back,” I muttered to Adam, and strode away toward the bathrooms, ignoring his chuckle.

Bypassing the bathrooms, I exited an employee entrance into an alley and breathed deeply of the crisp air and quiet. I hated crowds. If this project hadn’t been hanging over my head, I wouldn’t have even come out tonight. It was the perfect place, though, to observe customary dating rituals.

Templing my fingers, I held them to my forehead and tried to pace my agitated lust away. When a random girl got me twisted up with only a few snarky words and a tight body, it was obvious I’d gone too long without sex. Girls always wanted a relationship, and I hadn’t wanted to bother with any of that bullshit after Sky, but my need now was making me feel faintly ridiculous. It didn’t help that I wasn’t entirely… vanilla… in my tastes. I was a nice guy, but I enjoyed my sex a little dirty, and it wasn’t always easy to find the right partner for that sort of thing.

The door opened and I paused in my pacing to watch as the newfound object of my obsession backed into the alley, pulling a trolley stacked with flattened and tied boxes. Not noticing me, she wheeled it in the opposite direction a few feet, then started to push the boxes from the base of the cart, struggling a little with their weight. I stepped forward to help, because despite her benign neglect, my mother had raised me to be a gentleman. Or, at least, the nannies had.

“Here, let me.”

She startled, her mouth forming a perfect O of surprise, before gathering herself. “I’ve got it, thanks.” I ignored her and toed the boxes off and against the wall. She looked at me and the quiet, empty alley. “What are you doing out here? This is an employee-only spot.”

I grunted. “It’s an alley.”

“It’s Sugar Babes’ alley.”

“What’s your name, Pinky?” I changed course. She was an argumentative little thing.