Page 16 of Bad Neighbors

Now I wanted to taste.

Crouched across her body, I dropped my gaze as I bared her to my eyes and drank her in. She had perfect tits, skin so alabaster I could see the delicate tracery of veins beneath with pale rose nipples. They puckered under my stare, and I looked up to find her face flushed. “You are so damn beautiful,” I whispered, lowering my face to burrow against her flesh.

Turning my head, I captured a nipple between my lips and teeth, tugging softly until she groaned. I was moving to its neglected twin when the sound of the door opening jolted us both upright. Jude tugged her shirt down frantically, twisting to look. I covered my mouth to hide the humor curling my lip and leaned forward, elbows on my knees.

The kitchen light flicked on behind us. “Why do you have all the lights turned off?” Gale asked, suspicion plain in his voice.

“Watching a movie,” Jude blurted. “Space. Aliens.Alien,I mean.” She stood, hauling the throw blanket with her and pulling it around her shoulders like a cape, and then started backing away. “We’re done. Movie’s all over. I’m going to bed.” I watched her retreat several steps and then turn to flee.

“Night, Jude.”

She did a quick half-pivot and waved, dipped her head, and then was gone.

Relaxing my neck, I let my head fall forward. The hand over my mouth wasn’t enough to disguise my amusement at this point. She had freaked out. There was no way Gale and Baron wouldn’t pick up on that.

“Motherfucker.” Gale stared hard at me.

“Yippee-kai-yay?” I asked.

Nostrils flaring, he stomped across the room and entered his bedroom, slamming his door behind him. I raised an eyebrow at Baron, who was leaning against the counter, silently assessing.

“Anything you want to say?”

He shook his head slowly and smirked. “Nope. I think that about covered it.”


Chapter 13: Baron

“Lens, I can tell something is going on with you. If you can’t be honest with me, you can expect to see me this weekend.”

The voice cut through the focused haze I was applying to my thesis. Seniors had received their instructions in the first week of school and had been responsible for presenting detailed proposals to their advisory board by the end of the first month. My proposal had been accepted and now I was deep in the methodology section, but growing increasingly frustrated by the lack of good primary research.

I sat up straight at the table in the study room and listened. It was Jude; I was nearly certain. I was rewarded when the voice came again, accompanied by a dull thunk. I stood and made my way on quiet feet along the stacks, until I found her a few rows down. She was on the phone, her head resting on a shelf. As I stood at the end of the stack and watched, she lifted her forehead and lowered it audibly to the shelf. I winced. It was the same sound I had heard earlier.

I stepped toward her and she tensed, straightening and turning toward me. She relaxed fractionally when she saw who it was, swiveling her shoulder away and speaking in a lower tone. “Look, Lens. I have to go; someone’s here. I’m coming this weekend, though. Don’t go anywhere.” Disconnecting, she looked at me. “Hey.”

“Hey.” The weight of everything I’d seen last night, and her obvious embarrassment hung heavy between us. “Everything okay?”

She swiped a thumb over her brow, smoothing the furrow between her eyes, and looked past where I leaned against the shelving. “Yeah, everything’s fine. What are you doing here?”

You little liar.“Just getting some work in on my thesis.” I hitched my thumb back toward the room off the aisle where I’d been sitting.

Her face brightened and she was so transparent I could tell what she was thinking.Ooh, pretty diversion. “Thesis? What’s it on?”

I wasn’t so easily diverted, though, and waved her question away. “I don’t want to discuss my thesis. It’s driving me batshit. You know you can tell me if something’s wrong, right?”

Her features seemed to sharpen. “No. I didn’t know we were quite at that point with each other. But thank you… I appreciate the offer—” She picked up a book laying on the shelf and made to leave. I caught her arm in my grip, careful to be gentle. My hands were so big my fingers were able to meet around her bicep.


She looked up at me and as swiftly averted her gaze, her cheeks pinkening. If I had to guess, I’d have said she was thinking about Gale and I catching her and Ezra in the act last night. Maybe she thought I’d be angry with her.

“Please don’t be embarrassed.”

“Why would I be… what do I have to be embarrassed about?” She raised her chin but her eyes remained fixed on my shirt.

“Exactly.” I tipped her chin up. “You can kiss whoever you want, whenever you want, and none of us are going to say anything about it.” I wagged my head from side to side. “Except maybe Gale. He likes to run his mouth.”