Page 55 of Bad Neighbors

I nodded reluctantly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you and I am okay; I promise. I just wanted to figure out what I would do if something happened and they—”

“Pinky.” His face was serious. Stern, even.




“I’m going to hold you right now. Put my hands on you. My mouth.” He was already moving us off the wall, turning my back to the hall as he strode forward, stopping to glance into the living room on the right and the kitchen on the left. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Last door on right,” I told him, clinging to his neck. A zing shot down my spine at his words and the uncompromising way he held and carried me through my own house. He was handling me, before I’d even realized I liked to be handled. “But wait… we haven’t talked about—”

“We can talk later.”

“But what if… ” I fiddled with the neckline of his tee shirt and he paused in the doorway of my room, pulling his face back an inch or two to look at me.

“What if…?” he coaxed.

I palmed his shoulders, still looking at his throat. “I have feelings for you. Real feelings.” I gave a little laugh. “I wasn’t expecting any of this. You, Ezra, Galen… I have feelings for them, too, and I know what you’ve said but I can’t wrap my head around—”

“Jude.” He dropped his forehead to mine. “I know. I know you care for my friends, and it’s okay. Would I take you for myself if I could? Without question. But not at their expense, or yours.” His fingers on my ass tightened. “I’m pretty sure I love you, Pink. Have since the day you got all sassy with me at Sugar Babes.”

“Insta-love, huh?” The words I needed to say grew thick in my throat. “Even if I had sex with Galen already?”

“While I desperately want to fuck you, this is not about sex. It’s not about you and Gale and what you do together, or you and Ezra… it’s about you and me.”

His blue eyes bore into me, sincerity and faith swimming in them, and my defenses dropped. I loved this man. He’d been the first to see me, to accept me, to fight for me. There was no reason to worry. He held my heart in his big hands, but not to crush. Not to tear. He held my love like it was the most precious gift he’d ever received.

“Okay.” I answered.


“I love you, Baron.”

With a rumbling sound, he entered my bedroom, knelt, and dropped me onto the mattress I had on the floor, crawling over me as I backed further onto the bed. “Where’s your bed, Pinky?”

“This is it,” I answered lightly, embarrassed but determined not to show it. We hadn’t gotten to take much with us when the house was sold, just a few pictures and our personal possessions. Baron grunted in reply, and then his mouth was on mine again, his hands cradling my face as he held me still for him.

“Pinky… God, you taste so sweet.” His mouth slid around to my ear and then down to my jaw, his whisper causing a shiver to course through me. He continued down my neck, while my hands held his face against me. I couldn’t help remembering how he stopped last time, left me raging with desire and anger.

I wasn’t sure what I would do if he stopped, this time, but it wouldn’t be pretty. “Don’t stop,” I told him.

His hands were under my shirt, pushing it up and over my breasts while he lavished attention on each one. “Not until you’re coming on my cock,” he replied. I pulled back with a surprised laugh. He looked up from my breast with glittering eyes, my nipple popping free of his teeth with a soft sound of suction. “What?”

“Baron Whitmore dirty talks? Who’d a thunk?”

Baron grinned at me. “If it’s not a little dirty, then you’re not doing it right. I’m going to tell you exactly what I like. What I want.”

My mouth grew dry. “Is that so?”

“That's so.”

I gave him my best prim look. “And maybe I’ll give you some of what you like. I don’t know yet.”

“Oh, Pinky. You’re gonna give me everything.”

Was it bad that my heart pounded more heavily at the command in his tone, the promise in his words? Because it did, and I grew wet between my legs.