“Because that means you won’t be protected.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not letting you do that.”
I nod. He looks around, one hand low on his hip and the other on the back of his head—turning in that beautiful mind of his until he blurts out, “Don’t go anywhere.”
“Where would I go?”
He holds his hands out—a zookeeper calming a lion. “Just…just don’t move. Okay?”
I laugh. “Okay, fine.”
He jogs around the school building and comes back a few minutes later holding another helmet.
“Where did you get that?” I ask. It’s cool and there’s a breeze that kicks up the back of my hair.
“What is this, the inquisition? Quit whining and hold your arms out.”
Tory puts his leather jacket on me and helps me with the helmet. He even slides a pair of gloves over my hand, fastening the straps securely.
“Is all this necessary? I think you just want an excuse to laugh at me dressed in your massive gear.”
“First of all, I don’t need an excuse to laugh at you. Second, you don’t look silly. Third, while I’d love to see you on my R1 in nothing but this helmet, you dress for the slide, not the ride.”
“If I don’t look silly, how do I look?”
“Shut up, Charity.” He smirks and rolls his eyes.
I force down my visor to hide the blush creeping over my cheeks. A teasing smile plays across his lips as he zips up the jacket. He flips my visor open and grabs the part of the helmet that protects my chin.
Tory pulls me close and says, “While I might play fast and loose with my own life, I would never compromise your safety.” There’s a touch of violence and a hearty dose of promise in his voice. “And you should count yourself lucky there’s a helmet between us right now.”
“I don’t. In fact, I feel that I’ve stumbled into a grave misfortune, Victory Amato. On all accounts when it comes to you.”
“As do I, Charity.” His dark brows furrow with concentration while he tightens the chin strap.
“This thing is gonna mess up my hair, you know.”
“Trust me, Charity, in a few minutes, your hair will be of no concern. In fact—” he leans on the seat, face inches from mine, “I should warn you: this may just make you fall in love.”
“With you or riding?”
“Both.” A broad grin pulls up at his lips and his eyes dance, sparkling in the fading light of the afternoon.
I don’t tell him that it’s too late. That I’ve been in love with him for most of my life. Though, I suspect he already knows.
Chapter 59
Tory shows me where to sit and put my feet before hopping on. I place my hand on his broad shoulder, stomach twisting with nerves and butterflies as I gently swing my leg over. This is really happening. I’m on the back of Tory’s Yamaha, about to pull out of the school parking lot, instead of finishing our tutoring session. This is certainly not how I thought today would go. For once, the walking distraction that is Tory Amato is…nice.